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bloxxed t1_j9qxzoz wrote

I take it that you mean what I'm looking forward to most from AGI?

In that case, assuming a positively-aligned AGI (i.e. we don't all get turned into computronium), I'm most looking forward to full-dive virtual reality. It's more or less the be-all and end-all of my singularity wish-list. I live a fine enough life right now, I suppose -- but nothing here in physical space can compare qualitatively to what would be possible in FDVR (at least in my opinion).


science_nerd19 t1_j9rcu7y wrote

That's interesting to me, because I'm almost the opposite. I think of VR as more of a escape, and my Singularity wish list is for augmentations that make it easy to explore the physical world. I want to walk on the bottom of the ocean, or sail through space. I'll use VR to go to Hogwarts though for sure lol


DarkCeldori t1_j9tkerj wrote

There are many things that can be done in VR that are impossible in the real world. Also for intimacy it can be had without stds or pregnancy in VR. Casual sex becomes consequence free.


science_nerd19 t1_j9twn5c wrote

Speak for yourself, friend! All of my casual sex is already consequence free ;p