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wfF1K9YoHB t1_j9s9qoi wrote

I personally afraid of not having to work. Right now most people studying and improving themselves just to find a good job. Plus work helps forgetting of thoughts that endanger mental health. So when the time when we won't need to work comes, I won't be surprised if we encounter mass degradation, alcoholism and suicide. If we won't be erased by AGI before that point of course.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j9shwfu wrote

I rather live to work than work to live.

I will find activities that keep me engaged and happy in life. The eradication of capitalism is the greatest goal humanity can aim for. The greatest accomplishment of civilization.

When all your needs are taken care of, you are basicly a child again that can explore the wide world in earnest and see it's wonders.


bball8927 t1_j9sm1a1 wrote

Yeah me too! Well put:) I just wanted to add, take any supplement for instance or take any medication for instance, it takes 3 to 4 weeks for that specific supplement/medicine to work for brain/mental health. This is what psychiatrists, homeopathic experts and more in these fields even say which I mentioned above.

Sometimes a medicine or a supplement doesn't work and that person has wasted so many weeks/months trying that combo desperately waiting for that combo to work. They waste money, time and effort. Maybe one day that combo will work than the next day that combo won't work and so goes on the puzzle which is super annoying.

So, I hope one day and I hope really soon, AGI can assist top notch researchers to tackle the issue of some medicines' and supplements not working at hundred percent equally for everyone. Neurological disorders, mental health disorders, psychiatrics disorders and more.


ebolathrowawayy t1_j9ufg4h wrote

Hold sulbutiamine or noopept under your tongue for 10 minutes and tell me it takes 3 weeks to feel it.


DistortedLotus t1_j9spwni wrote

There's a thing called hobbies. We'd also have a much more advanced health industry, new types of drugs will exist that could leave you in bliss without any side effects or even just completely eliminating depression.


turnip_burrito t1_j9t8awh wrote

Well it sure beats the current hell of people slaving away at a job and losing their health just to get barely enough money to support their family. Shortages of medical care, single parents raising their children by themselves, lack of sleep....

You think a world without required work would be bad? Well, a world with required work is worse. Way worse.

I'd take work-less induced, well-fed "purposelessness" over that any day of the week.


bball8927 t1_j9sgx3f wrote

Yeah your right. I agree with you on a lot of your pointers. Even when someone is working they could have thoughts that are not really logical because they are overthinkers and it disrupts their work performance.

Not everyone is born with the same intellect, same mental health, and there are tons of humans in our world who overthink the little things you know. They end up having bad thoughts about incidences they went through that they regret later on in their life cause they didn't get help or because that "help" didn't work for them(ECT, TMS, therapy, meds, ect for example) .

What causes the mass degradation, alcoholism and suicide and even more terrible things like you described isn't only about people having more free time, it is their brain chemistry, and more. Hopefully people in the neuro field can tackle the challenges we mentioned soon.

A model of a well desired future for me is being able to be immersed into reading books, being able to be immersed into watching movies, have fun writing papers and maybe a thesis, learning a new language, being great at sports and more. Unfortunately, I don't have the mindset or attention span to do any of the above which sucks. I hope I can live to see this future one day. One can only wish...