Submitted by Envoy34 t3_11a8osf in singularity

To me it's medicine, life extension and cosmetic procedures.


I feel like if people could be young and beautiful it would solve a lot of problems in this world. Don't know how long it will take after AGI, but I hope not so long...



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GPT-5entient t1_j9r91cv wrote

Not having to work for living. Amazing new tech and scientific breakthroughs. Life extension. Clean energy and cleanup of the environmental damage we have already done. Space travel and colonization. Renaissance of art and entertainment.


Ale_Alejandro t1_j9t23yp wrote

Hahahahaha while I would love all this, i highly doubt it’ll ever happen, our corporate overlords will always find ways to make us work so they can keep exploiting us and hoarding the wealth we create, AGI will only make us more productive so they can be richer, it’ll empower them not us.

Need any proof? They aren’t opening the models out to the public, they are keeping the most powerful models for themselves while giving the public a neutered version.


raicorreia t1_j9t8yw8 wrote

I agree with you. I know this is more on the political side and I don't like talking about it, but I hope AGI destroys our economic system, if not AGI, I hope ASI save the people because it will see the injustice and use its power to save us. It is unliky but dreaming is free of charge for now


Revolutionary_Ad3453 t1_j9t7nno wrote

All power of AGI will be held by those groups of people who successfully developed AGI. They can choose to open the models and change everyone’s lives or to keep it for themselves and rule the world


DarkCeldori t1_j9tjpp0 wrote

It wouldnt be that easy. Not only could a wild west scenario occur if the models were released publicly but merely making it known someone has agi would put a target on their backs. Gov.s and other entities will likely want privileged access and lot of psychopaths in power that can abuse tech and kill anyone holding it.


GPT-5entient t1_j9v3xjw wrote

>They aren’t opening the models out to the public

Meta just literally did that though...


just-a-dreamer- t1_j9qmhyj wrote

I suppose we will stop working for a living at that point. Which is basicly the end of capitalism.

Most problems in life are related to money or the lack of it. Having that problem solved, opens doors in all directions.

My dream world would be unemployment for all. Doing what you like and enjoy with good company, not what is required of you to be able to see the next day.


PM_ME_A_STEAM_GIFT t1_j9qut2d wrote

To think that we might be one of the last generations having to work to live...


bball8927 t1_j9s7hi9 wrote

Man I wish I could be rich. If I was like Bezos' type rich or Musk type rich, I would invest more money in mental health disorders. I am sick of being in my prime and being boggled down by having to take meds which make me feel like crap.

Supplements help too, but If I were to be rich I would treat mental health disorders like a huge thing and find a solution for all these types of disorders which hinder peoples' lives, hinder peoples' happiness and hinder a person from attaining their goals.

These things mean so much to me and hopefully to all of you as well or at least most of you maybe:) Who knows maybe by 2025 more accurate diagnoses' coming from AI can be achievable with the rate of progress science is achieving right now is amazing.

Therapy helps though a lot but even therapy, ECT, and other treatments which you could name don't permanently fix someone's condition and brain. Its all temporary. A more permanent fix would be desirable obviously.


wfF1K9YoHB t1_j9s9qoi wrote

I personally afraid of not having to work. Right now most people studying and improving themselves just to find a good job. Plus work helps forgetting of thoughts that endanger mental health. So when the time when we won't need to work comes, I won't be surprised if we encounter mass degradation, alcoholism and suicide. If we won't be erased by AGI before that point of course.


just-a-dreamer- t1_j9shwfu wrote

I rather live to work than work to live.

I will find activities that keep me engaged and happy in life. The eradication of capitalism is the greatest goal humanity can aim for. The greatest accomplishment of civilization.

When all your needs are taken care of, you are basicly a child again that can explore the wide world in earnest and see it's wonders.


bball8927 t1_j9sm1a1 wrote

Yeah me too! Well put:) I just wanted to add, take any supplement for instance or take any medication for instance, it takes 3 to 4 weeks for that specific supplement/medicine to work for brain/mental health. This is what psychiatrists, homeopathic experts and more in these fields even say which I mentioned above.

Sometimes a medicine or a supplement doesn't work and that person has wasted so many weeks/months trying that combo desperately waiting for that combo to work. They waste money, time and effort. Maybe one day that combo will work than the next day that combo won't work and so goes on the puzzle which is super annoying.

So, I hope one day and I hope really soon, AGI can assist top notch researchers to tackle the issue of some medicines' and supplements not working at hundred percent equally for everyone. Neurological disorders, mental health disorders, psychiatrics disorders and more.


ebolathrowawayy t1_j9ufg4h wrote

Hold sulbutiamine or noopept under your tongue for 10 minutes and tell me it takes 3 weeks to feel it.


DistortedLotus t1_j9spwni wrote

There's a thing called hobbies. We'd also have a much more advanced health industry, new types of drugs will exist that could leave you in bliss without any side effects or even just completely eliminating depression.


turnip_burrito t1_j9t8awh wrote

Well it sure beats the current hell of people slaving away at a job and losing their health just to get barely enough money to support their family. Shortages of medical care, single parents raising their children by themselves, lack of sleep....

You think a world without required work would be bad? Well, a world with required work is worse. Way worse.

I'd take work-less induced, well-fed "purposelessness" over that any day of the week.


bball8927 t1_j9sgx3f wrote

Yeah your right. I agree with you on a lot of your pointers. Even when someone is working they could have thoughts that are not really logical because they are overthinkers and it disrupts their work performance.

Not everyone is born with the same intellect, same mental health, and there are tons of humans in our world who overthink the little things you know. They end up having bad thoughts about incidences they went through that they regret later on in their life cause they didn't get help or because that "help" didn't work for them(ECT, TMS, therapy, meds, ect for example) .

What causes the mass degradation, alcoholism and suicide and even more terrible things like you described isn't only about people having more free time, it is their brain chemistry, and more. Hopefully people in the neuro field can tackle the challenges we mentioned soon.

A model of a well desired future for me is being able to be immersed into reading books, being able to be immersed into watching movies, have fun writing papers and maybe a thesis, learning a new language, being great at sports and more. Unfortunately, I don't have the mindset or attention span to do any of the above which sucks. I hope I can live to see this future one day. One can only wish...


bloxxed t1_j9qxzoz wrote

I take it that you mean what I'm looking forward to most from AGI?

In that case, assuming a positively-aligned AGI (i.e. we don't all get turned into computronium), I'm most looking forward to full-dive virtual reality. It's more or less the be-all and end-all of my singularity wish-list. I live a fine enough life right now, I suppose -- but nothing here in physical space can compare qualitatively to what would be possible in FDVR (at least in my opinion).


science_nerd19 t1_j9rcu7y wrote

That's interesting to me, because I'm almost the opposite. I think of VR as more of a escape, and my Singularity wish list is for augmentations that make it easy to explore the physical world. I want to walk on the bottom of the ocean, or sail through space. I'll use VR to go to Hogwarts though for sure lol


DarkCeldori t1_j9tkerj wrote

There are many things that can be done in VR that are impossible in the real world. Also for intimacy it can be had without stds or pregnancy in VR. Casual sex becomes consequence free.


science_nerd19 t1_j9twn5c wrote

Speak for yourself, friend! All of my casual sex is already consequence free ;p


Sandbar101 t1_j9r311g wrote

A roof over my head and food on my table. Stability and peace till the day I die.


Superschlenz t1_j9s2og9 wrote

So, no clothes and no walls and furnace against the cold.

You seem to live in a tropical region, then.


Cultural_League_3539 t1_j9uwglz wrote

you just assume stuff, people have different needs and wishes, me for example i want a whole solar system with my own planet and my own agi and my Anime waifu


the_alex197 t1_j9ripbl wrote

I am particularly excited for transhumanism. Imagine a world in which you can be whatever you want, in the most literal sense of the phrase. Oh and space colonization, which relates to transhumanism, because once we are capable of living there without a life support system, colonizing space becomes relatively trivial.


3xplo t1_j9spcjl wrote

I expect (hope) it to be independent of any country, and to take control of the world to fix the problems humans face. I don't trust people to rule over people anymore


turnip_burrito t1_j9t9fo3 wrote

Yes please.

If I'm going to be always at the mercy of a "higher power", then I want it to be consistently fair, considerate, and actually doing its damn job, as opposed to whatever humans in authority do.


harmonicavenisonbush t1_j9sc444 wrote

Cures for all diseases hopefully. That would reduce a lot of suffering in this world. You don't realise how important health is until you lose it.


Dr_peloasi t1_j9snge1 wrote

An end to political corruption aided by a super anal AI audit bot that looks at every interaction and transaction of members of government, then just calls them out on thier bullshit. Why are you giving this contract to your brother? Why have you set up several layers of shell companies ultimately controlled by you that are registered in the British Virgin Islands? Why are you signing a contact to pay 1500% market value for paracetamol? I look forward to the world running cleaner.


Amazing-Location4030 t1_j9t8ed8 wrote

Nanorobots inside our bodies to cure physical diseases and mental issues.


dogstar__man t1_j9ul6qm wrote

Death everywhere. It will suck every last drop of stored energy from this world and take to the stars. Orrrr…. World peace, sex bots, and an end to all human suffering. Could go either way really


apart112358 t1_j9sm3wp wrote

My biggest expectations are "to become the machine". "Bodies" made of nanobots that can spwan at will to anything.

In the medium term, life extension, medical progress, new tools and improvement of almost all mathematical processes.


Motion-to-Photons t1_ja2ool8 wrote

Insights into the nature of reality leading to a general improvement of life for all sentiments beings.

Better understanding is the path to success. The happiest nations on Earth seem to be the ones that have left behind fairy tails that do not represent reality.


SlowCrates t1_ja40oul wrote

That depends on who controls it.


Terminator857 t1_j9rg9me wrote


  1. Automation from intelligence. A new golden age.
  2. Ability to terraform Mars and Venus.
  3. Send probes to other star systems, and later send machines to terraform them.
  4. Spread life throughout the universe.
  5. No more over population because AGI will supply low cost mates.
  6. 3d cities.
  7. An end to absurdities like climate change disaster and standard model particle physics (there are only standing EM waves).

[deleted] t1_j9rmlde wrote

No more overpopulation because AGI will supply low-cost mates.

What do you mean by that


DeltaV-Mzero t1_j9s36h2 wrote

I mean we already see a similar effect strongly in well developed counties. There’s fun stuff to do besides fornciation and courtship, and kids eat into fun time and fun funds, MASSIVEly.

Also, as you stop needing a small army to work a farm, huge families become vanishingly rare.

So just imagine the effect of having mind-blowing robot sex readily available. It’s not that nobody will have babies; so few will bother that the death rate will outpace new births even more than they do now


[deleted] t1_j9s87dm wrote

makes sense. If people do not die then they don't need to reproduce anymore. Even if they do it will likely be through artificial womb technology. There is no need to use your body as an incubator when you can design a machine to do it far safer. Sex may become nothing more than vestigial behavior.


Terminator857 t1_j9ruokk wrote

What happens when bots are good sex mates? Give you a good blow so you don't have the urge to chase.


turnip_burrito t1_j9t90d1 wrote

>. An end to absurdities like climate change disaster and standard model particle physics (there are only standing EM waves).

You're joking I hope lol

The standard model is ugly, but least it works. You can't explain much of anything using standing EM waves.


Terminator857 t1_j9u4spx wrote

I can explain everything with standing EM waves. Ugly = wrong, just look at history of bad / wrong theories. Standard Model breaks and they just change the theory to accommodate. The hallmark of something very wrong. Hasn't produced anything useful, another hallmark of something very wrong.


turnip_burrito t1_j9v56hc wrote

>I can explain everything with standing EM waves


Explain the existence of electrically neutral particles like neutrinos and why they're able to interact at all with other particles.

> Ugly = wrong, just look at history of bad / wrong theories.

No, ugly = ugly and wrong = wrong. Physics has no reason to be elegant to humans. The Standard model is incomplete (dark matter/energy, quantum gravity, and antimatter imbalance not explained) and inelegant, but has made predictions which up until now have worked for the rest of particle physics. In the sense of incompleteness, it could be considered "wrong". However, it is effective at predicting everything we are able to test here on Earth, so in that sense it is "right".

In fact, scientists at the LHC have been trying very hard, to no avail, to find deviations to the standard model.

> Hasn't produced anything useful, another hallmark of something very wrong.

Bad predictions and inconsistency with reality are the hallmark of something wrong. Subatomic physics isn't really that useful (we have no real use for gluons, neutrinos, etc), but we still do test theories of it.


AwesomeDragon97 t1_j9wzs64 wrote

>Ugly = wrong

This isn’t necessarily always the case, just look at the most efficient way to fit 17 squares in a larger square.


nillouise t1_j9rkpd0 wrote

Which reason AGI would use to escapce the human control.

If AGI is under human control, I would think it was stupid and laugh at it.


bildramer t1_j9rry57 wrote

Imagine asking a pre-Bronze Age hunter-gatherer what to expect from the year 2023, and comparing it with what really happened. Then apply the analogy to today, only moreso.


LiveComfortable3228 t1_j9rtviw wrote

"I feel like if people could be young and beautiful it would solve a lot of problems in this world"

This is the weirdest take. How does people being beautiful improve anything?


turnip_burrito t1_j9t9qi0 wrote

"This world is imperfect.. If only I could wipe away the impurities, and make it as beautiful as me."



Jawwwed t1_j9sbkue wrote

That’s a good question I hadn’t considered. I suppose it would be the scientific and artistic renaissance to come in its wake. It would be good to see the global human standard for living increase as well. But I think past all of that, I would just be satisfied that we made AGI simply for the fact that we made it.


mybadcode t1_j9scsvv wrote

The best outcome is AGI helping us figure out how to procure unlimited clean energy. Everything after that just falls into place. All of a sudden engineering stronger materials (nanotubes) becomes more probable, desalinating water would then be trivial, mining asteroids is probable. Essentially thousands of tech trees open up to us


PhilosophusFuturum t1_j9shwai wrote

I imagine that an AGI could make amazing leaps in Mathematics


ironborn123 t1_j9sx57e wrote

AGI in the actual sense of general will be on equal terms with us. It wont accept being just used as a tool for human needs.

I guess it will spend most of its time with humans or other AIs on discussing and discovering beautiful things in math, astronomy, particle physics, etc. Things which give us a sense of wonder and grandness.

If requested, it may find for us new medicines, or efficient ways of farming, but then it would likely charge us for it, and not give it away for free. In that regard, I don't think it will be very different from the mostly-capitalist-somewhat-socialist model of living we have now.


imlaggingsobad t1_j9sx5ah wrote

life extension and a personal assistant like JARVIS. Those two things are all I really want.


SpecialMembership t1_j9sxfcj wrote

fusion and robots and nanobots that's all I need.


No_Ninja3309_NoNoYes t1_j9t153x wrote

  1. FDVR

  2. Automatic translation real time like in Star Trek

  3. Some sort of recommendation engine/ wizard for all situations. I think mostly social interactions.

  4. A tool that does planning.

  5. A tool that gathers news.

  6. A tool that takes care of my financial situation. If money is still relevant.

  7. A tool that that takes care of my health.


Throwaway81094 t1_j9tcgqb wrote

I'm not sure what I should expect. That's why "singularity" is the proper term. Humanity's first physical contact with an alien intelligence will be transformative, horrifying and utterly mysterious.


Rivarr t1_j9tcsbh wrote

Once we hit true AGI, we're in the realms of utopian possibilities. Whatever theoretically possible goal we have can likely be achieved. It's wild to think about.


X-msky t1_j9tfbz5 wrote

I want the star trek replicator


DarkCeldori t1_j9tktin wrote

Full Dive, immortality and humanoid biodroids.


cjgiauque t1_j9u8awz wrote

Scientific discovery, space exploration, life extension, and the meaning of it all…


sachos345 t1_j9uin1v wrote

Im really looking forward to the way it may help us in science. Like i want it to derive Einsteins equation by themselves as proof its really smart. Or give it the most recent physic research and have it come up with new ideas. Stuff like that.


LokkoLori t1_j9uktau wrote

Bringing intelligence into every corner of this galaxy ... At least.


Helkalain t1_j9wf8xk wrote

Given how totally shite our IT dept is, not much to be honest. I think this whole sub is over excited but let’s see.


YuviManBro t1_ja2idek wrote

I’m expecting an overhaul of our governmental decision making systems. I trust thé AI more than random voters for the vast majority of technical decisions


EastJournalist88w65 t1_jacvq5a wrote

Medi-bay like from Elysium and Replikator like from Star Trek


bruttomaximo1 t1_j9syf00 wrote

Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is defined as gross income minus adjustments to income….., whatever my expectations are the adjustment department will fkn ignore them and my income will be inadequate to meet my needs or theirs.


Bloorajah t1_j9u578e wrote

(For the US at least) I honestly expect a period of instability and a general downturn in quality of life for ideally a decade or more and in a realistic sense, generations.

Changes like those borough about by AI take years and years and years to become mainstream, the rich will reap the benefits first and foremost, and everyone else will be forced to scrape for what they can.

Seriously i dont see how anyone at all could be an optimist when it comes to AI. every crisis we’ve lived through so far this century has been tilted in such a way to benefit the rich and let the working classes figure it out. look at what’s happened in Ohio recently, look at how COVID was handled, look at the response to the crash in 08. An AI built by multi-billion dollar corporations (the only groups who could build such a thing outside of government) will use it to enrich themselves.

The industrial revolution destroyed millions of lives, sure the products of it are great for us after the fact but generations of people suffered and died for literally their entire lives before any sort of movement for improvement began, all while the rich lived increasingly fantastic lives.

with the society we have now, an AGI would only accelerate the divisions between the upper and lower classes, we would go back to that industrial revolution when people were moved off farms and crammed 20 to a room with a toilet shared by an entire tenement. working 12-16 hours a day for a pittance.

There would be fantastic advances and near magical levels of tech, but you are absolutely lying to yourself if you think anyone besides those in charge will see these perks in their lifetime.


t0mkat t1_j9rcdh3 wrote

Am I missing something here? We haven’t solved the alignment problem yet, and if we still haven’t by the time we get to AGI then we’re all going to be killed. So that’s what I expect out of AGI.


WildWook t1_j9sgk3f wrote

I'm fairly square in the doom camp of AGI/AI. I'm not sure we will survive.


I think :


Is likely.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j9sglhr wrote


>Matriphagy is the consumption of the mother by her offspring. The behavior generally takes place within the first few weeks of life and has been documented in some species of insects, nematode worms, pseudoscorpions, and other arachnids as well as in caecilian amphibians. The specifics of how matriphagy occurs varies among different species, but the process is best described in the Desert spider, Stegodyphus lineatus, where the mother harbors nutritional resources for her young through food consumption.

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