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nblack88 t1_j9diy1o wrote

I understand how you feel, and you've already had some good and interesting responses. I'd like to add another facet:

What you're describing isn't unrelenting hope, and you aren't alone on this sub in feeling that way. It's despair. A lot of people here are unhappy with their lives for a medley of reasons, and are hoping the singularity will bring a fantastical world where they can be happy. It's possible. It's also unhealthy, and does little but create a feedback loop that justifies their pain, instead of encouraging them to face it, and make something good for themselves.

Desperately wanting something to believe in is no bad thing. It just means you're human, and you're alive. That's good news! It also means you're responsible for living that life as best you can. That sounds silly, but stay with me. If you want something to believe in, cultivate some interests to identify your beliefs and then work to fulfill them. You don't need to start with some broad, sweeping ideal. Start small and practical. "I want to get in better physical shape." Do that. Then do the next thing, and the next. Along the way you'll find that Thing, that idea, or that faith that inspires you.

But you won't find it being passive. Don't wait for the singularity to have things happen to you. Go out and happen to things.