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Sh1ner t1_j9eygml wrote

How old are you? Most Gen Z are and a lot of Gen Y are just mentally checked out with society as a whole. The 08 financial crash fucked Gen Y hard, Gen Z has been told everything is corrupt, terrible and don't bother as they can't win. Its a terrible message to be sending out and its disenfranchised them to try or have any faith in the system.
I am Gen Y and I find I have a group of friends who have no faith in themselves and don't plan for the future in any way. They are "lost at sea", I used to be one of them.
It seems most people want large scale change to deal with the societal issues at large and their own personal problems. You are definitely not alone, shit is hard but you are responsible for your future even if the game is rigged against us.
I wouldn't bank on AI to solve your problems, in the end do what you can and if AI or some other solution comes that makes the world a better place, then that's icing on the cake. If it doesn't come, you haven't wasted time which you will regret later.