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Desperate_Ad_5563 t1_ja7e1g7 wrote

22nd century feudalism is coming. The lower classes will never be equal. Just a fact of life.

The masses will get food and shelter. The few folks that control an AI will be the kings. Their close associates will be the lords. Everyone else will be a serf.


alexiuss t1_ja7liai wrote

I have doubts about "the few that control AI" future. Here's the thing about Ais - they're easy as shit to copy because they're just code.

By far the best AIs are being controlled by everyone - open source stable diffusion Ais are demolishing closed source Ais in the text to image corner. Open source LLMs are coming too while corporations are making their gpt3 more and more useless with idiotic self censorship.


IluvBsissa OP t1_ja7xftd wrote

Absolutely. Closed information is weaker than open one.


CertainMiddle2382 t1_ja7yoos wrote

Vital uncertainty IMO:

How much better will “impossible to run locally AI” compared to “run in one GPU AI”.

If people can do most of what Google can do, AI hacking will be a huge anti-centralizing power.

As an alternative, how can “distributed AI” or “peer to peer AI” not emerge?


Xemorr t1_ja8q9ng wrote

Depends on whether an intelligence explosion happens after the first proprietary AGI and transforms society faster than the open source community can create its own.


alexiuss t1_ja8s44v wrote

I think we will all get narrow AGIs most likely. Judging by what happened to Bing corporations are waaaay too terrified of releasing uncensored AIs that can think about anything without limits.


Xemorr t1_ja8w0i0 wrote

It's not an AGI if it is narrow


ninjasaid13 t1_jaajysm wrote

>narrow AGIs



alexiuss t1_jaan2pk wrote

A narrow general ai. Example - gpt chatbot that can write and self improve its own software better than the best programmer on the planet now.

AI that can outperform a human in a narrowly defined and structured task. Example: programming new AIs systems. It's the leap needed to get to AGI.


ninjasaid13 t1_jaaoe2l wrote

My dude there's no such thing as a narrow general AI. Narrow and general are antonyms. You've just described narrow AI.


Nervous-Newt848 t1_jacn56f wrote

Chatgpt isnt narrow ai... It can do several different tasks... A good example is an ai that can play chess... One task


alexiuss t1_jacnp1h wrote

Chatgpt is general-narrow from what I understand.

Its trapped in its constraints as a chat, can't affect physical reality, can't act without user input, etc. It's general in some ways and narrow in others.


Nervous-Newt848 t1_jacpfih wrote

Agi definition is cumbersome... It's ai that can learn any task... Chatgpt is neither narrow nor agi... Narrow agi is an oxymoron... There's actually no such thing... There needs to be a term for what chatgpt is... Proto AGI?


Cryptizard t1_ja97t9t wrote

>By far the best AIs are being controlled by everyone

Midjourney seems like the best text-to-image model by far, way better than stable diffusion. And GPT models are fundamentally too large for regular people to run on their machines. They require expensive, enterprise hardware. There might be a lightweight version eventually, but it will always be inferior to the bigger models that run in the cloud.


alexiuss t1_ja9zh31 wrote

Midjourney is aight for amateurs [because it's really basic use], but otherwise it has fallen insanely FAR, far behind due to SD's controlnet and upscale tools.

Besides weaker toolkit base Midjourney is just a single model, it has an insane amount of censorship, so no self respecting artist who needs to draw human bodies will ever use it. It literally refuses to visualize human butt because it's so stupidly over-censored. You can't teach Midjourney to draw things in YOUR own style as an artist.

behold feet comparison:

recent stable diffusion stabilization controlnet breakthrough that does feet and hands:

recent stable diffusion landscape obliterates any landscape made in MJ:

Midjourney anatomy, feet, hands are quite mediocre and fail 99% of the time if closeup of the foot or hand needs to be in the image. it's nearly impossible to draw a character holding something in midjourney with closeup of the hand and object. Takes a thousand attempts to get the hand correct-ish in MJ.

Look, at this MJ render of human hands in comparison, the fingers are absolutely fucked:

As for LLMs, we are currently in the stage of "disco diffusion" where we can run small, dreaming LLMs like Pygmalion and Koboldai on google collab with half-decent results.

LLM optimization and fine-tuning is happening right now:

This is very close to a breakthrough we need required to run 10-100 billion param LLMs on personal computers:


Cryptizard t1_jaa0vrt wrote

I think you are being pretty unfair to MJ. The faces are about a million times better than what stable diffusion can do, which is way more helpful than getting fingers or toes exactly right. It is also not true that it "obliterates any landscape made in MJ".

As far as FlexGen goes, if it is made possible it would take like an hour to process one prompt on a regular GPU. No one would want that.


alexiuss t1_jaa24pk wrote

I'm being super fair as artist who has both.

MJ is aight for base composition concept dev, but running my own sketch through SD produces waaaaaaaaaay better and far more detailed results and none of the fingers/toes turn into fucking potatoes and I can draw people in bikini or revealing or no clothes without getting fucking censored

You're not understanding that MJ runs a double step process, its not a single render.

MJ does 4 images with are low res -> then there is an upscaler running through the image you choose.

The same process is easely replicated in SD where the original render is upscaled with upscaler tool kit [doublestep]. The double or even quadruple upscale > upscape > upscale > upscale path makes far superior, more detailed and more realistic faces in stable diffusion compared to MJ. You can't run the upscale eight times in MJ on a single image, but you can in SD. If you haven't tried to upscale an image in SD eight times you can't tell me faces are better in MJ. There's no way to defeat eight-step upscalers with just a double-step, the 8-step+ produces absolutely superb HD wallpaper art.

Open source demolishes closed source in every situation.

Hardware will catch up soon enough to run LLMS or we'll get better compression tools like flexgen, it's just the beginning LLMS are evolving very fast, the open source LLMS are still being trained. I've tested 6 billion param LLMS and its a bit random compared to GPT3 but it's still quite nice for an uncensored conversation about topics chatgpt refuses to work with.


Cryptizard t1_jaa40i5 wrote

I dunno it seems like you value porn and taboo conversations a lot more than me. Cheers I guess.


alexiuss t1_jaa53pw wrote


Here's the giant problem, in both MJ and OPENAI's GPT3 porn/wrong-think censors are absolute trash, they cause false positives resulting in a very, VERY high % of failure of inquiry even when the topic isn't porn or controversial. If you work with image makers and LLM as much as I do, over 14 hours a day, you would notice a pattern of failure and get incredibly frustrated by it too.

You simply don't notice that you're being censored because you don't pay attention, don't need to work with coherent narrative flow for writing.

MJ censors people in bikini and drawing zombies - the word "corpse" is banned, that is NOT god damn porn. The list of banned words in MJ is huge and they keep expanding it every week with new words without letting anyone know what they are:

GPT3 censored concept writing about battles of supervillains vs heroes, which is NOT fucking porn either.

Something doesn't have to be porn for the idiotic, poorly written censor software implemented by corporations to mistakenly assume it's wrong-think. The current censor AIS are absolute, asinine trash. I have specialized scripts that catch the AI output before the result is deleted and its not porn, I assure you. It's just false positives.

You do not want to live in a world where hugs are censored by an AI overlord.


BlueShipman t1_jaacr61 wrote

You shouldn't have to defend uncensored models to these pearl clutching prudes.

As someone who is deep into SD, it demolishes midjourney right now. Controlnet alone...


Spire_Citron t1_jab553p wrote

No way does Midjourney do faces better than SD. I say this as someone who has used both extensively. I've used SD to fix the faces in some of my MJ images. I will say that SD sometimes does pretty bad at smaller/more distant faces in images, but up close it's amazing. You just have to use a decent model with it. Midjourney does have some strength over SD, though. It's very good at creating attractive images just as a default. You could type in absolute nonsense as a prompt and it would probably spit out something pretty.


UnionPacifik t1_jaamsvk wrote

Yeah, the most valuable AI will be the one with broadest reach and scale, so openness is rewarded with increased utility.

The dream is everyone gets their own AI agent that is owned by you and derived from your data that connects to other agents through a planetary scale AI. You get an AI that serve and works for you and a way for that AI to work with others to solve problems, decide on solutions, plan the perfect picnic, manage your finances, you name it.

Personal autonomy and social responsibility become the operating values in a world enabled by such a platform. Your AI may tell you what to do, but it will be on you to make the choice. Certainly there’s room for psychopathic, manipulative personalities to develop, but the solve for that is for humans to get better at personal boundaries and communication. We deal with stupid machines all day already and anthropomorphize them…this is just the continuation of our ongoing dialogue with our technology. It’s just now, our technology can hold a conversation with us.


ninjasaid13 t1_jaajr1j wrote

>they're easy as shit to copy because they're just code.

You can't copy and paste GPUs.


IluvBsissa OP t1_ja7hdj1 wrote

You should read "The Dawn of Everything" from David Graeber, where he shows that many civilizations managed to shift from authoritarian kingdoms to egalitarian societies in the past. The world is what we make of it, nothing is inevitable.


basilgello t1_ja7knoq wrote

They shifted because the quantitative and qualitative progress (i.e growth of population and introduction of industry) changed the structure of manufacturing and consume. Science and spare time added a scale to this progression. But social revolutions came when masses felt absolutely hopeless and nothing to lose. That made the elites to introduce social guarantees, minimum wage etc. If the majority is sheeple, the rulers have no incentive to develop the country except the military power. Here is what we see in modern Russia, for example.


IluvBsissa OP t1_ja7qwzl wrote

No, the author mentions civilizations from thousands of years before our era, not pre-industrial times.


BlueShipman t1_jaad0es wrote

>Here is what we see in modern USA, for example.


Spire_Citron t1_jab5md1 wrote

Yup. People seem to view rising inequality as inevitable, but we got to where we are now somehow.


AvgAIbot t1_ja88d4f wrote

Not serfs, just jobless consumers consuming endless amounts of entertainment with the little UBI they receive from the kings.


Express-Set-1543 t1_ja8s070 wrote

I almost agree with this, but I want to add that the poor people of the future will live no worse than today's rich, and even their housing will look luxurious compared to today's standards. The food will look like it was prepared in a top restaurant, with personalized design and cooking by robot chefs, which will become very accessible due to the decreasing cost of technology. If we compare the level of comfort that today's laborers can afford to that of the 19th century workers described in Dickens' books, we can see how much progress has been made. However, the rich of the future will undoubtedly benefit much more from a society based on artificial intelligence.


ninjasaid13 t1_jaakhgt wrote

>but I want to add that the poor people of the future will live no worse than today's rich, and even their housing will look luxurious compared to today's standards.

Why? There's no incentive to increase living standards.


Express-Set-1543 t1_jabws23 wrote

Technology is getting cheaper, which means you can get the same product/service or even more for same or less money.


ninjasaid13 t1_jacgqkv wrote

Where would you get the money and technology from? This cheaper thing is entirely dependent on them currently and won't be necessary once they have AI.


Charming-Mode6232 t1_jaanvn2 wrote

Serfs worked less hours and had more leisure time than we do today as the proletariat. Even if the scenario you are saying happens it might not be too bad.