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dakinekine t1_j9nejg7 wrote

Someone on Reddit asked this question yesterday - how does a government replace the taxes from jobs that have been replaced by AI? I think Bernie’s solution makes sense. The government needs the tax income to fund UBI and anything else. The USA is 31 trillion in debt already so this might help.
But to be honest, I don’t think becoming fully automated with UBI is ever going to be an easy or quick transition. You are talking about massive societal changes which don’t happen easily.


Emotional-Dust-1367 t1_j9nnm1d wrote

I’d much prefer to see a property tax. This tax will hinder advancement. We want more robots and automation, not less. A property tax is inherently progressive because rich people live in expensive places, rich industry has expensive facilities and equipment. And property tax is a tax on wealth, which if we do it right means wealth will dwindle from the upper levels of society.


CertainMiddle2382 t1_j9npxkq wrote

Political problems concerning reelection are managed through taxation.

Problems concerning survival are always managed through inflation…