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dayaz36 t1_j9oaxif wrote

This is monumentally stupid.

We finally have the technology to have robots take over back breaking work and menial tasks and in the process make everything insanely cheap and abundant; so we’re going to artificially make everything expensive again by taxing non-humans.

Our government is filled with a bunch
of geriatric reactionaries that are too stupid, old, and corrupt to think creatively about solving problems


[deleted] t1_j9ow2sb wrote

It is all bullshit and a political theater.

We will do the same thing with AI that we have done with every other technology. Absolutely nothing and let the chips fall as they may.

Power will be further consolidated, the upper class will get 10X richer. Politicians will continue to borrow money from the future until we implode or things are reset from WW3.

There is no mystery to what happens here.


overturf600 t1_j9ole2r wrote

Well we missed our chance to tax companies for developing business models based on the internet, and we funded that invention.

Seems reasonable to me. But I’m happy just to start charging google, Amazon, and Facebook transaction feeds instead. No reason to enable these corporate welfare moms.


dayaz36 t1_j9oosrt wrote

Lol what? That made zero sense

Government has the ability right now to create government isps and give everyone free high speed internet, but they won’t because they’re corrupt.

Advocating for businesses to pay fees to use the internet is exactly the opposite point I was making


Nanaki_TV t1_j9pfi01 wrote

> Government has the ability right now to create government isps and give everyone free high speed internet, but they won’t because they’re corrupt.

I hate the way the government is run more than the avg bc I see it daily for my work but come on... it isn't some magical hand-wave that is preventing this from happening. Just think of how many yards would need dug up for one town to have high speed isp. And if one of the hubs go down? So now you need backups.
