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ObiWanCanShowMe t1_j9oircy wrote

  1. All taxes are always passed onto consumers, no matter how they try to scheme it.
  2. Unless you are taxing each instance at the same rate of a worker, the result is still negative.
  3. Robots can take the place of more than one human.
  4. The funding never goes to where they say it going to go.
  5. Having tax and regulation that makes it harder for companies to make a profit = companies going elsewhere which lowers your tax pool and kills the remaining jobs.

But the most glaring issue with UBI is that while math isn't hard, it seems that math is really hard.

Just for giggles...

There are approximately able 200 million adults in the USA. If everyone were to get just 250.00 per week then the USA would need 2,400,000,000,000 per year. That's 2.4 with a T.

The U.S. government's total revenue is estimated to be $4.71 trillion for FY 2023

And no matter how much you whittle down the qualifiers for getting UBI, or mess with the distribution or allocation, it's still going to be 25-50% of current tax revenue. We already overspend and increase the deficit. This isn't even considering the inflation and costs of goods as companies pass the new taxes onto the consumer, so that 250 wouldn't even be worth the 250 anymore.

Who can live on 250 per week btw?

UBI is and always will be a non-starter. Because the U in UBI stands for Universal, meaning anyone who can't or doesn't want to work, gets it and don't get me started on the class warfare of requiring some to work while other do not.
