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Nanaki_TV t1_j9pe99z wrote

> Jobs can be created by the government by

A job created by the government is a job not created by the market for a reason. If the job was needed someone with interest in the sector would have already created the job, You'd miss the opportunity for other more meaningful jobs are the resources are allocated inefficiently for this government job instead.


rushmc1 t1_j9ppwq8 wrote

This is a nice idea, but demonstrably untrue. There are many jobs beneficial to society that are not (sufficiently) profitable to commercial interests.


Nanaki_TV t1_j9pqhhs wrote

Name three.


Timely_Secret9569 t1_j9xq9nm wrote

Roads, trains and national parks and all the jobs needed to build and maintain them.


Nanaki_TV t1_j9ymmld wrote

Roads? /r/whowouldbuildtheroads Trains? Like Ohio? National Parks? Meh. Ok I’ll maybe give you that one. Maybe.