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MichaelsSocks t1_je7joec wrote

> People will vote for UBI if they see endless wealth and none of it within their reach, and if there's enough of these people then UBI wins. The typical person isn't reading about AI daily, they'll vote for UBI because they were laid off by an oligarch then evicted by a corporate landlord.

This assumes that we don't have AGI/ASI at this point. I think by the time we see mass unemployment, we'll already have an AGI and ASI which will at that point make decisions for humanity and propose a far more sophisticated solution for reorganizing society than a UBI.


Loud_Clerk_9399 t1_je7ubp6 wrote

Ultimately, post money is the solution, where everyone is equal, where everyone makes the same, and everyone does what they choose. Status will be determined by reputation and charisma.