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p3opl3 t1_jaqqfcg wrote

ChatGPT goes for white collar. . Now there's a race to hit blue collar workers just as hard.

Enemy number 1 is having to work for money.. essentially how the economy exists today.

It's great.. or rather it will be.. but the change is going to be so painful.. I'd wager we might actually fall into war and build on further and serious inequality gaps before we see the other side of this.

Democracy is probably also at stake here.. at least the essence of which we might still have in the west.. somewhere.. with all the lost socks. Haha


Sandbar101 t1_jar0nl5 wrote

As machines take over blue collar jobs and AI takes over white collar jobs, humanity is going to be forced into a hydraulic jobs press


TheAnonFeels t1_jas1olw wrote

We're already inches from a massive war, Democracy is already at risk. Completely upending the economy with autonomous robots and AI is going to make countries take some extreme measures 'for the better of the people'.

My bet is there's going to be 1 or two countries actually transitioning well, the rest are gonna be chaos as people find what jobs are left as they gradually get rare.

I'm thinking <10 years chaos will come, 20+ years before things see something they can call normal.