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greatdrams23 t1_je2lsbg wrote

I understand perfectly well exponential growth. We've had it for the last 60 years, but it took 60 years to get this far.

Why did it take so long to get here when we had exponential growth 60 years ago?

Ans: because exponential growth still takes time!

Let's say we need another 1000000 times the computer power that we have now. How long will that take?


D_Ethan_Bones t1_je2nk1g wrote

>Why did it take so long to get here when we had exponential growth 60 years ago?

60 years ago there was TV and the cold war.

60 years prior the automobile was the latest greatest invention and radio had not reached the point of entertainment broadcast.

60 years further back, agriculture in the southern United States still involved chattel slavery.