Submitted by SnaxFax-was-taken t3_126wcyb in singularity

As ray Kurzweil discussed in his book "The singularity is near" Humans merging with machines could be a real thing in the next couple of decades, when we achieve AGI how useful would school be then? What about college and university? Since this sub generally assumes that once we achieve that feat of engineering the AI will be able to continuously improve at ever-quickening rates, At home learning would be much more efficient rather than traditional school. We could just have at home AI tutors. Would we ever merge with machines that would make all of schooling obsolete.

What are your thoughts?



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AdorableBackground83 t1_jebbrmi wrote

The only usefulness I see in traditional K-12 schooling is to develop social skills with people in the same age range as you.

In fact that’s the only real thing I even enjoyed about schooling was the friendships and good times socially I had with some people.

The homework, long boring lectures, lunches, and just regurgitating BS just to get tested on it and eventually forget 99% of it is what I do not miss at all.


bigbeautifulsquare t1_jebxh99 wrote

Traditional K-12 schooling hasn't worked for a while, not since we moved away from factory jobs. With AGI, it'll be useless.


SkyeandJett t1_jebxnko wrote

You're assuming there'll be many more children to teach. With immortality in our crosshairs the birth rate will absolutely plummet.


greatdrams23 t1_jec1fak wrote

The current cycle is 1 say it, 2 believe it, 3 don't think about it. 4 What's next?

Is AI here? Yes, AI is here, what's next? is AGI is here, yes AGI is here, what's next? Is singularity here? Yes, what's next. Is immortality here, yes, what's next?

People need to stop and think about how difficult this all is.


Federal_Two_1189 t1_jecwc3a wrote

"how difficult this all is", All we need to do is get AI to the point where it makes better version of itself. Researchers say that this is what AGI should be capable of doing

Realistically all we need to do is build AGI which is within our grasp in maybe 10-30 years and then everything from there is automated by AI.

Humans won't be the innovators anymore, we'll be on vacation.


Superschlenz t1_jedlxfn wrote

>At home learning would be much more efficient rather than traditional school.

If you are no longer forcing the poor children with the rich children to be together in the same classroom, the need to watch everything on Netflix would be gone for the poor and the number of pirated copy downloads would decrease.