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WonderFactory t1_jdy7v00 wrote

We actually don't need AI to develop much beyond where it is at the moment for crazy advances in medicine and technology over the next decade. Just applying ML where it is now to thousands of different applications will lead to crazy breakthroughs. Imagine thousands and thousands of Models like Alpha Fold and what they will bring to scientific advancement. There was a defusion model that can literally read people's minds using brain MRIs posted here yesterday. That's crazy sci-fi stuff already happening. Things are already happening that a year ago I wouldn't have thought would be possible in my lifetime.


norby2 t1_jdyp7k3 wrote

Maybe Alzheimer’s will be solved.


Ok_Faithlessness4197 t1_jdz68d9 wrote

I think it's unlikely Alzheimer's won't be solved.

!Remindme 10 years