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flyblackbox t1_je0867n wrote

Wait, your second sentence invalidates your first. Most can’t access their 401k before 10 years. If your second sentence is true, why would it be stupid to cash out a 401k considering you are 30 years from retirement?


just_thisGuy t1_je0biv6 wrote

I don’t understand why you’d be cashing out 401k early, what does that have to do with singularity being near or just very large changes.


flyblackbox t1_je0dehl wrote

So the money can be used before 30 years in the future.


just_thisGuy t1_je0g7oz wrote

Yes, but why?


flyblackbox t1_je0gsql wrote

Buy a house maybe. Or to have the option of investing in crypto because it’s not permitted in a 401k account.