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scooby1st t1_jeb4kst wrote

We're on the same page that a hypothetically hyper-intelligent system could be "god-like". We are completely diverged in how implicitly confident you are about this occurring with ChatGPT, regardless that "you aren't claiming any of this with a certainty".

It's pretty bold that say you're tired of everyone saying the creation of a god is hype, and then to say, oh yeah but I'm not 100% sure on that, I'm being realistic.


Cartossin t1_jeb6xm9 wrote

>how implicitly confident you are about this occurring with ChatGPT

I was not referring to ChatGPT as the thing that will become the digital god. I am mostly saying that it is a reminder that the digital gods are coming even if they don't come out of LLMS.

If I asked you 5 years ago what your estimate for when we'll achieve AGI, what would it have been? Since the release of ChatGPT + GPT4, has this estimate changed?

If you asked me 5 years ago, I'd have said 20-100 years. If you ask me now, I say more like 2-20 years. Why? Because we've gotten much closer than I thought we'd be by now. I have to update the timeline.


scooby1st t1_jeb98pr wrote

You certainly leave a lot of room for people to read your mind. You say a lot of things without saying them.


Cartossin t1_jebcc4q wrote

Noted. Did you see my two questions?


scooby1st t1_jebdjwn wrote

Lmao bro I'm not skimming your single sentence original comment. I hate people that hide behind ambiguity and poor communication as a shield for their bullshit. You're riding a hype train and you keep an ambiguous line between "some definition of AGI perhaps in the near future" and "god is being created".

That's quite the goalpost you've moved at your own convenience.You're very disingenuous. Quit your bullshit homie. If your original statement was able to be interpreted in so many ways, communicate better.


Cartossin t1_jeedewy wrote

I have a Scooby tattoo and a guy called Scooby1st got mad at me. fml


Cartossin t1_jebdqty wrote

Oh well heck you read my comment before I edited it down to a less confrontational version. I guess I'll never get to hear your answer. When I leave my statements vague enough that they're not wrong, it's your fault for choosing to think I must mean the incorrect thing.

How am I disingenuous? Also there is no hype train. You're being ridiculous on that point. today's language models are world-changingly revoltionary. For my "digital god" comment to be wrong, that revolution must have started and ended in the last 2 years. If you figure it has any momentum at all, the digital gods are coming.