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Iffykindofguy t1_je37gpw wrote

This must mean that it is intentional, as in governments are aware of this and for whatever reason have not done anything to improve the situation for the ever expanding lower classes.


Or maybe one party has just refused to govern for the last 20 years.


calm down.


turnip_burrito t1_je3856d wrote

I'm not reading that

I'm happy for you

Or sorry that happened


petermobeter t1_je38l9j wrote

if what u say is true, and it happens, will my life get worse becuz of it? or better?

will anti-aging medicine and morphological freedom still be available in my lifetime if this “neoliberal technological dystopia” thing happens?

edit: than ku 4 writin this post btw


practical_ussy OP t1_je39f3v wrote

Both "parties" are tools of the neoliberal technocapital machine. Both "parties" have implemented similar economic policies at the federal level. The differences lie in the social policies which can always be influenced through propaganda. Look into the differences that the right or left in any country has done at a federal level and you'll notice that they implement the same economic policies.


Lawjarp2 t1_je3bn5l wrote

Bullshit speculation like this is what leads to failed socialist societies. I mean ideas like this would be discussed as a theory, then assumed to be true, circle jerked and actions taken based on them.


practical_ussy OP t1_je3c5nu wrote

im not advocating for a "social society". Im just stating that although locally it might seem like we are in control of humanities future its actually in the control of a meta-intelligence composed of all intelligent agents that can be called the technocapital machine. Socialist societies have shown to not be effective vehicles for technocapital policies.


MichaelsSocks t1_je3da94 wrote

Why are you pretending that Western governments are a monolith? How the poor are taken care in Finland or Denmark differs drastically from how the poor are taken care of in the US or UK.


TheSecretAgenda t1_je3fnsg wrote

Single parent families are mostly the result of government policies that said a woman and her children could not get welfare if there was a man present in the home.