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flexaplext OP t1_jdxxwnv wrote

It's really quite a strange experience if you properly delve deep into your conscious thought process and think about exactly what's going on in there.

This subconscious supercomputer in the back of your mind that's always running, throwing ideas into your thought process, processing and analysing and prioritising every single input of this massive stream of sensory data, storing, retrieving memories, managing your heartbeat and internal body systems.

There's this computer back there doing so, so much on autopilot and you have no direct access to it or control over it.

The strangest thing of all, though, is this way it just throws ideas and concepts, words into your conscious dialog. Maybe I think that's strangest to me though, just because it's the only thing I am able to have a true perception of it doing.

Like I said, it's not necessarily single words that it is throwing at you, but overarching ideas. However, maybe these ideas are just like single word terms, like a macro, and then that single term is expanded out into multiple words based on the sequence of words in such a term.

There are different ways to test and manipulate its output to you though. You have some conscious control over its functionality. 

If you try to, you can tell and make your subconscious only throw out overarching ideas to you, rather than a string of words. Well, I can anyway.

You can also, like, force the output to slow down completely and force it to give you literally only one word at a time and not think at all about an overarching idea of the sentence. Again, I can do that anyway.

It's just like my thought process is completely slowed down and limited. It's just way more limited in thought and it's literally like the subconscious is just throwing one word at a time into my mind. I mean I can write out exactly what it comes up with when I do this:

"Hello, my name is something you should not come up with. How about your mom goes to prison. What's for tea tonight. I don't know how you're doing this but it's interesting. How come I'm so alone in the world. Where is the next tablet coming from."

I mean, fuck. That's weird to do. You should try it if you can. Just completely slow down and force your thoughts into completely singular words. Make sure to not let any ideas or concepts enter your mind. I mean, that output is way less than an LLMs capability when I do that, it's very, very similar to what basic predictive text currently is. In fact, it feels almost the same except that it appears to be affected by emotion and sensory input.

Edit: There is another way I can do it. Just think or even better speak out loud fairly fast without thinking at all about what you're saying. Don't give yourself time to think or for ideas to come into your mind. You wind up just stringing nonsensical words together. Sometimes there's a coherent sentence in there from where a concept pops in, but it's mainly still just like a random string of predictive text.