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whatsinyourhead t1_jd3uvzr wrote

Black Mirror, especially episodes like USS Callister, San Junipero, Playtest, i wish i could erase my memory and watch them for the first time again, better than 99% of movies. Also Westworld season 1


AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_jd3xr8c wrote

Don’t forget Black Museum episode. That was horrifying mind uploading stuff. And Be Right Back is AI related


Circ-Le-Jerk t1_jd4znnq wrote

The whole underlying theme of "cookies" completely fucks with my head. It's a concept I explored under a heavy dose of DMT, then watching it in the show just leads me down rabbits holes of thought.

But the concept that we can just create infinite instances of someone's consciousness and artificially simulate it is just such a wild thing to think about. The applications, the horrors, the benefits, the philosophical implications. To me, that's the most profound.


sdmat t1_jd63sol wrote

Book rec: Surface Detail by Ian M. Banks


AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_jd58z2i wrote

It straight up makes me think the idea of uploading consciousness should be strictly off limits and banned from ever being developed


Circ-Le-Jerk t1_jd5a60c wrote

Yeah, that's probably not possible. Pandora's box is open and there is no closing it.


AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_jd5awux wrote

What would the benefits even be? The benefits are nothing compared to the drawbacks. An endless computer generated hell is the most horrific prospect in the entire history of the universe. And the worst part is it’s probably possible


AnakinRagnarsson66 OP t1_jd3z39z wrote

And White Christmas was also terrifying mind upload episode


Wasted-Entity t1_jd6sdjd wrote

Hang the DJ as well! Underrated episode, one of my favourite. Guess it’s kind of spoilers that the episode has to do with AI but still.


theabominablewonder t1_jd5sosh wrote

Westworld Season 3 is more AI focused. Obviously not as good a season but the theme is centred more around predictive AI.


whatsinyourhead t1_jd6nxin wrote

I stopped watching it near the end of season 2, the quality dropped off a lot. Season 1 was perfect though, definitely worth a watch on it's own


theabominablewonder t1_jd6ujel wrote

Season 1 is a masterpiece of TV. Season 4 it had started to re-find its groove a bit more and annoyed season 5 got canned as I think it would have revealed some things that maybe would have improved the other seasons.


Just_Discussion6287 t1_jd7wabq wrote

TV shows aren't always good every episode.

Season 2 is good but it's not like season 1. Everyone was expecting more of season 1 but the big show down already happened.

It became something different. s2 is a lot better with s3 and s4.


Euphoric-Handle-6792 t1_jd89q5p wrote

Also try Severance, it's like Black mirror episode adapted to full length Tv show. If I were to place Severance in my ranking of black mirror episodes it would be no. 1. Even thinking about Severance makes me extremely sad and depressed, the story is very gripping, the thrill and suspense will be with you until the very last moment of the show and even after that the melancholy will be stuck with you as you wait for it's next season.