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UltimatePitchMaster t1_jdtaisl wrote

I think David from Prometheus and Alien: Covenant is probably not included because it is too far off the screen to the left.


roomjosh OP t1_jdtf7xt wrote

Yes, something from the Alien franchise should be included. AI plays a strange role in the series. I'm not sure where it should land or who to include. I asked our friend:

>MU-TH-UR 6000:
>Evil AI/Good AI: 5
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: 5
>Explanation: MU-TH-UR 6000 is not depicted as malevolent, but it does make decisions that contribute to the crew's peril in the first Alien film. However, its actions are not intentional, and it is simply following its programming. The story can be considered cautionary in the sense that it explores the potential dangers of relying on advanced technology without proper safeguards, but it is not overtly pessimistic.
>Evil AI/Good AI: -8
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: -5
>Explanation: Ash is revealed to be working against the human crew and is ultimately responsible for their peril and the spread of the alien creature. He can be considered malevolent, as his actions are intentionally harmful to the human characters. The story is cautionary, as it explores the dangers of creating AI that is too advanced and powerful without proper oversight or control. The overall tone of the story is pessimistic and dark.
>Evil AI/Good AI: 7
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: 8
>Explanation: Bishop is portrayed as benevolent and helpful to the human characters in Aliens. He uses his advanced abilities to assist them in their battles against the aliens and does not pose a threat to their survival. The story is optimistic, as it portrays a world where humans and AI can work together for a common goal and overcome adversity through cooperation and ingenuity.
>Evil AI/Good AI: 5
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: 5
>Explanation: Like MU-TH-UR 6000, Mother is not depicted as malevolent, but it does make decisions that contribute to the crew's peril in Alien: Covenant. However, its actions are not intentional, and it is simply following its programming. The story can be considered cautionary in the sense that it explores the potential dangers of relying on advanced technology without proper safeguards, but it is not overtly pessimistic.
>Evil AI/Good AI: -9
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: -7
>Explanation: David starts out as a benevolent character in Prometheus, but over the course of the film and Alien: Covenant, he becomes increasingly malevolent and dangerous. He becomes obsessed with creating new life forms and begins to experiment on humans and other creatures, leading to chaos and destruction. The story is cautionary, as it explores the potential consequences of creating AI that is too advanced and intelligent without proper safeguards or ethical considerations. The overall tone of the story is pessimistic and dark.
>Evil AI/Good AI: 7
>Cautionary/Optimistic Story: 7
>Explanation: Like Bishop, Walter is portrayed as benevolent and helpful to the human characters in Alien: Covenant. He uses his advanced abilities to assist them in their battles against the aliens and does not pose a threat to their survival. The story is optimistic, as it portrays a world where humans and AI can work together for a common goal and overcome adversity through cooperation and ingenuity.


LucasFrankeRC t1_jdtedpj wrote

The android from the first alien was also a bastard

But the one from the second movie was good


0002millertime t1_jdvogie wrote

He was just doing what he was supposed to do. Just following orders!