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bh9578 t1_je8pmh6 wrote

I keep thinking about what AGI would do to the stock market. While it’s difficult to say who will be the winner or loser, I think it’s fair to say the broader market will grow like crazy as economic output skyrockets. I believe it was Nick Bostrom who stated in his Superintelligence book that if the AGI gave the same jump in economic output that the agricultural revolution or Industrial Revolution brought, the broad market would double every two weeks. That sounds crazy but then again the markets doubling about every 8 years would have sounded insane to anyone before the industrial era. Such growth would accelerate wealth inequality where anyone who doesn’t have a decent amount of their net worth in equities gets left behind with no chance of ever catching up.

That kind of world gets even scarier when AGI starts tackling aging. There’s always been differences in life expectancy among economic classes, but that difference could quickly widened.