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Wavesignal OP t1_jeehd7z wrote

Other interesting bits from the full transcript

Sundar on personalized assistants

> But I think, wow. Yeah, can it be a very, very powerful assistant for you? I think yes. Anybody at work who works with a personal assistant, you know how life changing it is. But now imagine bringing that power in the context of every person’s day-to-day lives. That is a real potential we are talking about here. And so I think it’s very profound.

> And so we’re all working on that. And again, we have to get it right. But those are the possibilities. Getting everyone their own personalized model, something that really excites me, in some ways, this is what we envisioned when we were building Google Assistant. But we have the technology to actually do those things now.

Sundar on AGI and AI safety

> It is so clear to me that these systems are going to be very, very capable. And so it almost doesn’t matter whether you’ve reached AGI or not. You’re going to have systems which are capable of delivering benefits at a scale we have never seen before and potentially causing real harm.

> So can we have an AI system which can cost disinformation at scale? Yes. Is it AGI? It really doesn’t matter. Why do we need to worry about AI safety? Because you have to anticipate this and evolve to meet that moment. And so today, we do a lot of things with AI people have taken it for granted.


hydraofwar t1_jef52df wrote

The AI ​​skeptics will be the ones who will be constantly saying that the current era's AI is not human level, they will say that even if we have 100% autonomous general purpose robots, then Sundar's claim could be right that it doesn't matter whether that is or it's not AGI


postscarce t1_jegnpav wrote

"Getting everyone their own personalized model" sounds awesome, but I don't have a lot of faith in that happening any time soon. YouTube's algorithm hasn't figured out I don't want sports videos in my feed no matter how many times I tell it I'm "Not Interested". That would be peanuts compared to the personalization he's talking about.