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aalluubbaa t1_jegkbz4 wrote

My 3 cents is that you could have gone to a more “neutral” forum but no, you chose to come to the exact forum about singularity.

My counter-argument is really simple. Forget all the technical stuff because I am not expert in the field. Let’s assume that the current language model as it is going forwards would be able to do things like taking video input and give a feed back, sort of like how GPT has done on text and images but a step further, in our life time.

That would mean that at the very least, high end education would no longer be a scarce resources. It could be as accessible as porn and you no longer need to spend thousands of dollars to just get to learn or acquire those knowledge.

So what is going to happen in this situation is that the current scientific research by HUMANS would have new brain power injected exponentially. Now we have millions of people who are able to contribute because we all have access to personal tutors who understand quantum physics, ageing, medicine, material science and you name it.

There are billions of human mind on this planet so how many can contribute to those fields if we have access to an all-knowing tool that can help you with all the current human knowledge?

That includes AI research. That’s why it’s extremely unlikely that the point we are at can be slowed down unless something huge and catastrophic happen to our civilization.

I don’t know have background in coding but I could build an app with ChatGPT. I cannot draw or photoshop but I can manipulate images with Stable Diffusion. So you are so wrong. The genie is out already and you point could be valid if we were in 2018.