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agonypants t1_je4tuud wrote

The full 40+ minute interview was posted by CBS to YouTube. It's completely riveting and I recommend that everyone watch it. Personally I think it will be remembered as an important historical document and it will be referenced in documentaries and papers hundreds of years from now.


joondori21 t1_je6460o wrote

One of the best interviews in recent memory. I cannot get enough of Geoffrey Hinton interviews on AI.

Also the interviewer is terrific


EkkoThruTime t1_je6vsul wrote

The interviewer was surprisingly good. Usually you'd expect these large news outlets to ask the most banal and milquetoast questions. But the interviewer actually did his research and asked fairly insightful and cogent questions.


etakerns t1_je5b3f9 wrote

Just watched the whole thing, all the things he said, the main thing I took away from it was, he compared what is happening today is equivalent to the industrial revolution, and even the wheel. This guy is very smart and conscious of what he’s trying to achieve.


Facts_About_Cats t1_je8bhwm wrote

It's weird to realize that the basics of transformers to represent concepts was already discovered 20 years ago.