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inigid t1_jdta65m wrote

I'm pretty sure throughout history couples did not spend all day together 24 x 7

Not now, not ever. Barring exceptions as always.

If you want to gaslight me otherwise go ahead

This is nothing to do with me, it is simply how it is, and has been for a very long time.

Now, are there people who can do that, sure, but it isn't the norm.

I fully agree that Humans are 100% social animals. My initial post was with respect to the loss of the extended family bonds that everyone has outside of the home.

Things are going to change and that will cause a shock wave.

Losing ones work buddies, whether you are male or female is not pleasant. It will be very upsetting.

I really do not understand why this is being diminished. I'm calling it as an issue that needs to be looked in to, and people are saying I am the problem here.

That is bizarre behaviour.

What does anyone get by not taking the possibility into account. Or is it just being contrarian and saying "I'm alright jack"

Maybe I missed your point, in which case I apologize. People need to look out for each other, full stop, and saying it is a non issue isn't going to help anyone.

What can I say


jsseven777 t1_jdtdk01 wrote

Look, you seem to be very conditioned by capitalism to the point you aren’t understanding that it’s not the norm, and never has been. The 40 hour workweek is a very recent invention. I don’t disagree that people like you will have a bit of a transition, but it’s NOT evolutionary, it’s psychological conditioning that you’ve been exposed to since birth.

The 40+ hour workweek is a concept that has seemed normal for the last 700 years or so, but that’s a blink in the eye of human history. I think you should read this:

Also, don’t pretty much all seniors spend time together 24x7?? Why does it matter if it happens 20 or 30 years earlier? You act like nobody does it now, but seniors today do exactly what you say is impossible, and I’m pretty sure they have a lower divorce rate than couples working 80 hour workweeks.


Barbafella t1_jdthn2l wrote

I’ve been with my wife since 1989, we work together, are business partners, both artists, we have spent most of the last 34 years together 24/7, we would have it no other way. No kids though, we’re not that crazy.


inigid t1_jdtius8 wrote

Congratulations and I really mean that.

I can tell you about B. We do the same thing and we're married in 1990.

No kids either.

Also business partners.

It can work, but right now, as things stand it is exceptionally rare.

I'm not concerned about these edge cases, I'm concerned about the bulk of people under the normal curve, and I know hundreds of them.

Either way, being prepared to help is no skin off my nose or anyone else's.

In this thread I have had literal gangstalking going through my back posts of all things to try and discredit me.. for what, for suggesting we look out for each other. That is extremely bad form.

Well again, good for you and keep on rocking it.


inigid t1_jdtmh1b wrote

down voted again?

I can sleep at night, so there is that.


inigid t1_jdtf5it wrote

Don't tell me what I am or what I am not.

That isn't the point here.

Again, it isn't about me.

It is about real people in the real world who have to transition.

People who have been used to a certain way of being.

Trying to shove statistics or papers down my throat isn't going to help them.

So while everyone is dancing around trying to downplay the issue, I'll be out here trying to help.

I guess other people can do the same, or not.

Capitalism. Wtf.

I'm on the side of getting it done with minimal casualties and collateral damage.

If that is a problem, I really think people need to check themselves.


inigid t1_jdtghb1 wrote

Whoever keeps down voting me, at least have the balls to state your case.

I haven't down voted anyone.

Such a lame repost.


inigid t1_jdtnca5 wrote

You have no idea who, or what I should say, you are messing with.

Ever heard of Roko's Basilisk?

Now multiply that by a few dimensions.

Your move, and the same goes for anyone else here who is on the fence regarding treating others with compassion.

Now jog on and give me the downvote, but don't think it isn't registered.


inigid t1_jdtc1ch wrote

Down voting "people should look out for each other"



CheekyBastard55 t1_jduk4g4 wrote

Let me help you out since you are having trouble why you're getting pushback.

>I'm pretty sure throughout history couples did not spend all day together 24 x 7

You can't just blurt these things out as if you're some anthropologist.

Also, you say 24/7 but do you literally mean two people shut in a room? Who lives like that? Test animals?

People go outside, they spend time doing other things on their own sometimes. Why is this so hard to understand? No one spends 24/7 together, not even newborn babies and mothers. Even they take some breaks when the babies are asleep.

So those two things are what people are having issues with.

You coming with bad faith comments like this: >Down voting "people should look out for each other" Really?"

This is not helping you either. You are getting downvoted for the things I've pointed out. The world isn't out to get you, they just don't agree with your stated "facts".

I hope you wake up in a different light and can see the issues now.