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inigid t1_jdtc1ch wrote

Down voting "people should look out for each other"



CheekyBastard55 t1_jduk4g4 wrote

Let me help you out since you are having trouble why you're getting pushback.

>I'm pretty sure throughout history couples did not spend all day together 24 x 7

You can't just blurt these things out as if you're some anthropologist.

Also, you say 24/7 but do you literally mean two people shut in a room? Who lives like that? Test animals?

People go outside, they spend time doing other things on their own sometimes. Why is this so hard to understand? No one spends 24/7 together, not even newborn babies and mothers. Even they take some breaks when the babies are asleep.

So those two things are what people are having issues with.

You coming with bad faith comments like this: >Down voting "people should look out for each other" Really?"

This is not helping you either. You are getting downvoted for the things I've pointed out. The world isn't out to get you, they just don't agree with your stated "facts".

I hope you wake up in a different light and can see the issues now.