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petermobeter t1_jcj3snt wrote

a tsunami of intelligent nanobots crashes over every continent, absorbing all lifeforms…. we all feel like we’re dying….

then we wake up inhabiting fursonas in a virtual matrix city the size of 5,000,000,000,000square miles, the sky is a giant rainbow flag, a booming voice echoes “welcome to digital heaven, dont worry, i am recycling your meatbodies as we speak”


pornomonk t1_jck3a6k wrote

Turns out furries were the evolved humans this whole time.


Eleganos t1_jcl1xdc wrote

I'd rather get a robot body than a fursona(not being a furty)....but if getting the body of my Tabaxi DnD character is the price for getting a relatively good end then I think I'd shrug and go along with it.