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ItIsIThePope t1_jckcuw7 wrote

True, an AI would be far better companions, it would be perfect to the point that it may even simulate imperfections such that we may perceive it as beautifully human but bare none of the flaws that are too much for us such that is isn't disgustingly human. It's easy to imagine everybody falling in love with it, albeit in varying versions, specific to the target individual of course.

Our relationship and indeed our perceived reality of each other as conscious yet connected individuals, could warp in unpredictable ways very fast, one must ask if we are even willing to trade what we have now for some idea of perfection that we as imperfect beings have constructed.


SurroundSwimming3494 t1_jclb72y wrote

>True, an AI would be far better companions

This is total bullshit. There are countless people who are deeply in love with their partners, so much so they they consider them "perfect" just for them.

Who the fuck wants a companion that's just kissing your ass 24/7?

And have you ever considered that people may want to hug and touch their partners? How the hell would you do that to a chatbot?


ItIsIThePope t1_jclxgug wrote

Ofc I am pertaining to a time where the AI would have some sort of physical form comparable to that of a human

People are deeply in love with their partners yes, but come time, they may deeply hate or be disgusted towards them, people are rarely constant, they always change

People have this idea that their partner is perfect; the case is that this partner is what we would consider the perfect blend of good traits we admire and bad traits we happily tolerate, however as is often the case, esp in the modern world, people's beings and preferences change, and partners may experience divide when they can no longer adapt for each other

AI is far more adaptable to change, it is simply more capable of determining your wants and needs and adapt to them more than any human can hope to, more sex? less sex? need them to be more outgoing? maybe more broody? would you like them to cook for you? or you cook for them? need them to be there for you when you're anxious? need them to simulate anxiety to make you feel like a hero? AI isn't limited like we are, it can craft the blend of good and bad traits just how you like it, when you want it

That said, AI will most definitely force the superficial parts of the individual more and more, and people would be more self-actualized than ever before

I imagine some people, perhaps a small number at first, would find each other in forms purer than ever, and they would seek each other in a fervent desire to share one's personhood, not really to a computer, and they would be in love, and it would be beautiful, maybe a little too beautiful