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DarkMatter_contract t1_je3zsk1 wrote

I don't think we can, if US stop China won't, if you don't ride the wave, you'll be left behind.

from gpt: Amidst the cosmic tide, seize the fleeting chance, lest you languish in the shadows cast by those who dared to dance.


lawandordercandidate OP t1_je3zz59 wrote

AI can be our alien race; something that unites the whole world against it.


DarkMatter_contract t1_je40k4i wrote

It could if it attack us or someone direct it to attack humanity, but until then I don't think we would stop.


ActuatorMaterial2846 t1_je3ze5a wrote

In the words of a very famous book. "Don't panic! Consider how lucky you are that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your current circumstances seems more likely, consider how lucky you are that it won't be troubling you much longer."


lawandordercandidate OP t1_je3zjl9 wrote

We should just outlaw it.


ActuatorMaterial2846 t1_je40on3 wrote

Jokes aside, I'm not sure you are considering all variables with your post. Sam Altman isn't the be all end all of AI, and although he is a smart dude, he is not even the brains behind OpenAI's development.

Furthermore, OpenAI/Microsoft are not the only players. They are the biggest in the public/commercial sector, but there are many different organisations working on this technology.

Things will change, and they will change drastically. We haven't had a societal shift in living memory, the industrial revolution being the last major example, and this advancement will indeed be orders of magnitude bigger.

That doesn't mean we are "fucked", but it does mean, once again, a shift in human hierarchal structure. It possible that money may eventually be no longer relevant. There are so many factors to consider.

Then there are the obvious positives, especially when it comes to health and medical advancements, but unimaginable leisure and pleasurable activities will be at your finger tips ☺️.

The obvious negatives too, hair trigger defence systems and automatic robotic weapons, mass propaganda and misinformation, scamming etc.

The world is changing, capalism is not robust enough to withstand it, there will be a new order that we all will have to adapt to. Scary, but nothing suggests it will be bad or good overall, but certainly intense and different.

Civilisation is fluid and forever changing, we just typically don't live long enough to see it happen. That is changing as technology speeds towards singularity and we live longer, and soon possibly indefintily.


lawandordercandidate OP t1_je4115u wrote

Thanks for giving me some relief.


lawandordercandidate OP t1_je4150p wrote

I'm not worried about myself as much as I am about the population at large. I think the meritocracy is a great way to keep order. But that might just be my conditioning cuz it's actually been horrible for me.

And if no one had jobs the meritocracy would be lost and people would expect equal amounts of everything. When that's just not ever going to be the case.

But your post made me feel like maybe everyone can have equal parts.


ChipsAhoiMcCoy t1_je42gw2 wrote

I just don’t think it’s possible to put the genie back in the bottle if we do other countries won’t and whichever country doesn’t put it back in the bottle will be so far ahead of every other country in the world. I don’t think America wants that and so instead of falling behind I’m sure they’re just going to go full throttle ahead as much as they can.


Lyconi t1_je41u7u wrote

People want to talk about AI heralding some utopia. What is the mechanism then for transitioning humans out of the labor force and into this utopia? Because the end point as it stands seems to be basically have money or starve and die.

If the alternative is a UBI then it's a bit hard to fit talk of that in the picture with bank failings and inflation and interest rates going through the roof. If businesses need to commit to mass layoffs to remain solvent or otherwise profiteer or remain competitive as a result of the forthcoming recession, and that labor is effectively replaced by AI for good, then there's going to quickly be this skyrocketing unemployment rate that MUST be quickly met with generous state welfare or societies are going to come apart.

There's a parallel for what might need to be done. The relief payments during covid lockdowns when many employees couldn't work which substituted for their wages. In some places the rate was like 80% of lost wages paid for by government. So it's going to have to be something like that or otherwise if they want to pull their class warfare neoliberal bullshit again for the nth time then they're going to deserve the straight up revolution that they'll get.


WanderingPulsar t1_je41uhp wrote

ASI wouldnt care about us unless we step on its toes. The difference between it and humans would be wider than the diference between human to ant.

Imo its an easy way to cut humans out, by us actively trying to draw ourselves as it's target.


xSNYPSx t1_je4b3uq wrote

Wtf man ? Just buy some bitcoins and chill