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AsheyDS t1_jdw8ol5 wrote

It's not as simple as emotional vs not-emotional. First, AGI would need to interact with us... The whole point of it is to assist us, so it will have to have an understanding of emotion. And to put it simply, a generalization method relating to emotion would need a frame of reference (or grounding perhaps) and will at least have to understand the dynamics involved. Second, AGI itself can have emotion, but the goal of that is key to how it should be implemented. There's emotional data, which could be used in memory, in processing memory, recall, etc. This would be the minimum necessary, and out of this, it could probably build an associative map anyway. But I think purposefully structuring emotion to coordinate social interactions and everything related to that would help all of that. The problem with an emotional AGI, or at least the thing people are concerned will become a problem, is emotional impulsivity. We don't want it reacting unfavorably, or judgmentally, or with rage, malice, or contempt. And there's also the concern that it will form emotional connections to things that will start to alter its behavior in increasingly unpredictable ways. This is actually a problem for its functioning as well, since we want a well ordered system that is able to predict its own actions. If it becomes unpredictable to itself, that could degrade its performance. However, eliminating emotion altogether would degrade the quality of social interaction and its understanding of humans and humanity, which is a big downside. The best option would be to include emotion on some level, where it is used as a dynamic framework for interacting with and creating emotional data, and utilizing it socially, as well as participating socially and gaining more overall understanding. But these emotions would just be particular dynamics tied to particular data and inputs, etc. As long as they don't affect certain parts of the overall AGI system that govern actionable outputs (especially reflexive action) or anything that would lead to impulsivity, and as long as other safety functions work as expected, then emotion should be a beneficial thing to include.