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Borrowedshorts t1_jdvojtc wrote

Nearly 50% of managers of publicly traded companies come from business schools. They must be doing something right.


94746382926 t1_jdvp16h wrote

Most of their jobs are bullshit too lol.

Source: I work around many of them.


yaosio t1_jdwnjrc wrote

In the Twilight Zone episode Brain Center At Whipple's the CEO is replaced by a robot. The robots job? To pace around the office swinging a watch. People have always known these are BS jobs.


atchijov t1_jdvvozz wrote

They are… most of them were born into family of “managers”. If you remove people who actually founded brand new companies (not financed them… but actually founded), than most of “C” level managers are just got on the “money train” because of been born into “right” family. Going through “business school” is just a way to extend they Rolodex of the “useful contacts”… to ensure that they stay employed till time to retire (at 40) and that they can pass this Rolodex to they kids.


D_Ethan_Bones t1_jdw18o8 wrote

People who found companies get thrown out of them by hollow suits that run them into the ground.

My first full time job bounced my pay and blocked my unemployment, what happened before that was they stripped the company of virtually all revenue to collect their golden parachutes, what happened before that was they dismissed the man who built the company as a lemonade stand with tools generations ago.

AI, come quickly and come with fire.


HarbingerDe t1_jdwlqtw wrote

The psychopathic shareholders who control all the wealth and capital will just use AI to continue doing psychopathic things.

It's not looking good for us without some near immediate collective action.


claushauler t1_jdwnq0a wrote

They'll now be assisted by superhuman digital sociopaths as well. Time to go John Connor I'm telling you.


HarbingerDe t1_jdwlgkn wrote

"They must be doing something right."

Really drank the meritocracy coolaid, didn't ya?

It's called nepotism... Lol. That's what they're doing right.


enilea t1_jdx4vt8 wrote

>They must be doing something right.

Yes, having networking and social skills to bs their way up


Bierculles t1_jdxa9v2 wrote

You are wrong and correct at the same time, this is an amazing sentence.