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genericrich t1_jeahu1l wrote

I don't think it will be useful for games, since games are storytelling medium and introducing randomness that can't be well-controlled into stories makes them into bad stories.

I don't think it will be feasible to work well enough.


3z3ki3l t1_jeakjny wrote

But it could be used for background characters. That way it’s not the same line every time you run into a character.

So every guard in Skyrim didn’t take an arrow to the knee. Could be as strict as generating some other injury, or loose enough to provide an entirely different excuse for not joining the war.


genericrich t1_jeakxai wrote

Sure, if you can control it. The problem is that the developers need to be very sure that they aren't introducing a bug or meandering, meaningless, dead-end side quest. That would be hard to verify, IMO, with an AI-generated content layer.

I guess we'll find out sooner or later, because I am sure these will be rolling out soon.


3z3ki3l t1_jeanw6e wrote

Eh. Skyrim already has generated side-quests. It creates characters for you to go kill, and items for you to steal. I don’t think a little bit of dialogue, whether it fits perfectly or not, would break that much.


genericrich t1_jeaoj5c wrote

OK, if you can verify that it won't become racist or introduce another problem that a AAA game studio won't want in their game, then go for it.


3z3ki3l t1_jeapp2j wrote

Well, they solved that with ChatGPT already, so no issue there. Especially without player dialogue input.


koa_lala t1_jebfhor wrote

You clearly have no fucking idea what you're talking about.


genericrich t1_jebntv6 wrote

Uh, ok. (Old man grumbles about having worked at two AAA studios and several small game companies, including one he co-founded. Started in QA and ended as lead game designer before leaving the industry for more lucrative work.)


WonderFactory t1_jeap8lf wrote

I think it can work, I'm trying to get it working in a game I'm developing at the moment. You have to have a mix of randomness and structured story telling. I literally have to say to ChatGPT, the user is saying xyz, reply to the user but try to work this plot point into your reply.