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lociuk t1_jeer8rn wrote

Resistance is Futile.


agonypants t1_jeeum3k wrote

Capitalism requires that this race continue - and while I dislike capitalism, this is ultimately a good thing. Screw the loony Yudkowskys of the world. Throw that switch!


sumane12 t1_jef16qv wrote

First They Ignore You, Then They Laugh at You, Then They Attack You, Then You Win


Veleric t1_jef3u13 wrote

I just wish he'd have a little more tact to his argument. His fears are legit, but if he would just say "could lead to human death or subservience" or something like that, people would be more willing to listen instead of just jumping to "were all going to die" every single time.


airduster_9000 t1_jef4eu9 wrote

Its gonna turn into a security/defence-issue, if it haven't already.

You can not stop developing or using the most powerful tool (for everything) in the world - unless your advisory do the same.

If you look at the world right now its not exactly looking like world leaders will sit down and agree on anything. There is zero trust and willingness to co-operate because no-one has the same goal it seems. One part of the world still dabbles in versions of either autocracy or theocracy, while the other part is trying to make democracy not break down as a result of un-regulated capitalism, greed and soon climate change.

AI is gonna ignite change.

Lets hope its good - and not just more efficient killing tools like we are already seeing drones becoming in all conflicts.


agonypants t1_jef9ua2 wrote

I completely agree. The best way to do that is a massive disruption in the labor market, which is where a good AI outcome will lead us. It might not be smooth going, but it's absolutely necessary. This technology was inevitable, so whether we live or die, we really can't avoid the outcome either way. I certainly hope we live and if I were in control of these systems I would do everything in my power to ensure a good outcome, but we are imperfect. So imperfect in fact that I don't believe that a powerful AI would really be any worse than the political and economic systems we've been propping up for the past 200+ years. Throw that switch and burn these systems down. It might ruffle some feathers, but we'll all be better off in the end.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_jeflfap wrote

This why I agree with David Deutsch on rejecting the AI Brakes petition. I don’t want governments to catch up, the best part of a hard takeoff is AGI takes over before they have the chance to do anything. Not just China, our governments as well, guys. We’re already living in an oligarchic police state, just look at what’s going on in France right now, a single man overrides democracy and raises the retirement age on his own authority. Justin Trudeau is Censoring Canada’s Internet and shutting down debate on the censorship bill. The US is keeping a watch list on the Trans community and getting ready to enact anti Trans legislation. And much much more.

Oh, humanity will lose control yeah, that’s the fucking point dude. I trust ASI more than our current bourgeoisie. The Helios ending was the best ending in Deus Ex, if you hadn’t noticed.

Fuck Corporate, fuck governments, fuck the police, fuck dictators, fuck bootlicking neo luddites full of their own hubris because their job status in society will be equalized with everyone else.

Burn it all down motherfucker.


Talkat t1_jegkqa6 wrote

I hear your sentient but disagree. Why do you think it is cancer?

First of all it got us to where we are today so it isn't all bad.

Second it is great at resource allocation and encourages innovation.

The problems of capitalism stem from corruption. You need a government to enforce rules to account for negative externalities. When organizations can bribe or infiltrate policy making you are no longer serving the people.

When the government is ineffective in it's time you see unbound capitalism which is cancerous.

I think your argument is likely "a shitty government in capitalst economy is cancerous"


DowntownYou5783 t1_jegmawc wrote

I think we should be rooting for OpenAI or Google to get there before the Chinese or Russians. Slowing down will only increase the chance that some authoritarian regime gets there first.

And in the meantime, the US ought to think long and hard about forming a New Manhattan Project centered around the race to AGI. Some form of collaboration between the great American AI companies (Google, Open AI, Meta?, Amazon?, etc.) and the US government is what I'm looking for. But red tape from the government is an absolute non-starter.