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Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_jed747y wrote

Okay now that's just incorrect. Most of human innovations were made by small groups or even a single person, without much capital. Think of the wheel, agriculture, electricity, the light bulb, the first planes, Windows OS. The list goes on and on.

It's only recently that it takes super teams and large capital to make these innovations. I'm saying we should crowdsource funds, with free resources to learn from together, donating compute, etc. It's totally possible but modern people aren't very good at forming groups. Maybe its because people are too tired from work, or they have become much less social. For whatever reason, still, we could improve AI progress and decentralize AI if the people learned to talk and collaborate again


tiselo3655necktaicom t1_jed7uvh wrote

>Most of human innovations were made by small groups or even a single person, without much capital. Think of the wheel, agriculture, electricity, the light bulb, the first planes, Windows OS. The list goes on and on.

You have a childlike naivety about business and live in a fantasy world.

"Data shows US inventors aren’t just good at science—they come from rich families" (2017)

"Entrepreneurs come from families with money" (2015)


Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_jed8dir wrote

These articles are talking about in our modern society. Our technology is to the point where it takes a lot of effort to make modest improvements (in most areas). for most of time the innovations found didn't cost much, like how to make a bow, or how to smith metal. If you think all inventions were made by wealthy people, you are delusional. It wasn't the king that learned how to make chainmail armor, and it wasn't the noble that learned how to raise bigger crops.

P.S. Your insults don't help your point at all.


tiselo3655necktaicom t1_jed9maa wrote

inventions throughout history were almost entirely made by rich people. because iterating and failing takes money. the fact that you cannot comprehend this at the outset means you are naive or a child. This is just a fact. It is self-evident. Your using high fantasy examples furthers the point that you live in...a fantasy land.


Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_jedadfu wrote

talking to you is like a brick wall. I'm done. Keep idolizing rich people with your false narratives.

Yeah I'm sure the first person to learn how to raise crops was drowning in wealth. I'm sure the first person to make a bow was somehow wealthy, lmao. I'm sure the wealthy king walked into the blacksmiths place one day and just figured out how to build chainmail. The person who invented the wheel had so much wealth he didn't even need to get up if he didn't want to. all sarcasm. This belief you have is illogical.

In reality, most advancements were made by regular people, very poor people by modern standards, just trying to improve their lives, or discovering by accident, or other ways.


tiselo3655necktaicom t1_jedavq8 wrote

Lol. stay in school kids. You could end up like this person.


Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_jedbizi wrote

you can't make a half decent argument so you result to insults and running away lmao. Very annoying type of person.


tiselo3655necktaicom t1_jedcxcu wrote

I supplied multiple links to actual sources, all you can do is talk about blacksmiths and bows. This isn't D&D. Get out of the fucking basement. Come with citations.

>talking to you is like a brick wall. I'm done.

And yet, you're back with:

>you can't make a half decent argument so you result to insults and running away lmao.

hm. Where are your sources again?


Scarlet_pot2 OP t1_jedrsmn wrote

you are such a sad person. you're life is so sad you have to insult strangers on the internet to make yourself feel better. And you're so low IQ you can't even form a coherent argument. shut up and go back to work at your 9-5 restaurant job. reddit loser

Also: anyone can link a few irrelevant articles. you linked ones that have no relation to the topic at hand but you are too brain dead to be able to actually comprehend it.

Take your sausage fingers off the keyboard and go learn common sense.

And lose some weight while you're at it.