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ActuatorMaterial2846 t1_je8gg68 wrote

It's certainly possible. But I've read his books, and his concepts to obtain immortality are through nanobots. Although I have great respect for this man, I'm have no clue where we are in terms of nano tech. I haven't read about any papers or notable research regarding this.

So yes, I think he is usually on to something when he makes his predictions, and I'm particularly in agreement with his AGI predictions, albeit he seems a little conservative compared to others, I'm not sure how quickly nano tech will advance to get us to the stage he expects by 2030.


DarkMatter_contract t1_je8op2a wrote

We have nanobot already, but not in science fiction sence, we can control a nano size structure using laser to make it contract and expand in order to move or capture other molecule.