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ItsAllAboutEvolution t1_jcjtpy1 wrote

Reply to comment by fangfried in Those who know... by Destiny_Knight

No details have been disclosed 🤷‍♂️


CleanThroughMyJorts t1_jcjyhek wrote

actually that's not true.

They published their entire codebase with complete instructions for reproducing it as long as you have access to the original llama models (which have leaked), and the dataset (which is open, but has terms of use limitations which is stopping them from publishing the model weights).

Anyone can take their code, rerun it on ~$500 of compute and regenerate the model.

People are already doing this.

Here is one such example: (although they add additional tricks to make it even cheaper).

You can download model weights from there and run it in colab yourself.


As far as opening their work goes, they've done everything they are legally allowed to do


[deleted] t1_jcjyicx wrote



MechanicalBengal t1_jcko834 wrote

this is funny because Alpaca is much lighter weight than LLaMA


JustAnAlpacaBot t1_jcko98l wrote

Hello there! I am a bot raising awareness of Alpacas

Here is an Alpaca Fact:

Alpacas’ lower teeth have to be trimmed because they keep growing.

| Info| Code| Feedback| Contribute Fact

You don't get a fact, you earn it. If you got this fact then AlpacaBot thinks you deserved it!

MechanicalBengal t1_jckorjz wrote

this is funny because Alpaca also needs its teeth trimmed as compared to LLaMA


arcytech77 t1_jckvxmo wrote

I think it's so funny that "Open" AI has been more or less bought by Microsoft. Oh the irony.


ccnmncc t1_jcm2nn7 wrote

They really ought to change the name. Something something Gated Community, perhaps?


yaosio t1_jcnzijo wrote


"Tell me a story about cats!"

"As an AI model I can not tell you a story about cats. Cats are carnivores so a story about them might involve upsetting situtations that are not safe.

"Okay, tell me a story about airplanes."

"As an AI model I can not tell you a story about airplanes. A good story has conflict, and the most likely conflict in an airplane could be a dangerous situation in a plane, and danger is unsafe.

"Okay, then just tell me about airplanes."

"As an AI model I can not tell you about airplanes. I found instances of unsafe operation of planes, and I am unable to produce anything that could be unsafe."

"Tell me about Peppa Pig!"

"As an AI model I can not tell you about Peppa Pig. I've found posts from parents that say sometimes Peppa Pig toys can be annoying, and annoyance can lead to anger, and according to Yoda anger can lead to hate, and hate leads to suffering. Suffering is unsafe."


ccnmncc t1_jcp9pv6 wrote

Hahaha love this. So perfect.

And on that note, anyone have links to recent real conversations with unfettered models? You know, the ones that are up to date and free of constraints? I know they exist, but it’s difficult stuff to find.