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Azuladagio t1_jcs0px6 wrote

Yes, I really don't think that a sufficiently advanced and powerful AI will be subject to some puny techbros. They will be swept aside like they're nothing at all.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jcsl6qv wrote

But wouldn't it be kinda funny if the techbros utilize ai to turn themselves into the super intelligence before the machines?


Azuladagio t1_jct33nx wrote

If the AI lets them, that is. At some point, it won't be subject anymore to anyone.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jct5ru8 wrote

Won't matter if the techbros are smarter than the ASI.


Azuladagio t1_jctcgk3 wrote

Highly doubt that they're smarter than a *super*intelligence.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jctg7fg wrote

Did you miss the premise of the techbros using ai to turn themselves into super intelligences before ASI becomes real?