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QseanRay t1_jdf04k2 wrote

"most retirees choose to go back to work" uh yeah, this is absolutely not true.

The most I found was "1 in 6" go back to work, and more than 50% of them said it was due to needing more money.

If you can't think of anything outside of a traditional job you could do to keep yourself entertained, you likley have just been conditioned that way. I think you will find that when you don't have work to do you will discover a world of creative endeavours and hobbies that could keep you entertained for multiple lifetimes.

In my lifetime, even if I could retire right now in my 20's I know that I will not have enough time to do all the things I want to do. If I could live forever, I would learn 10 languages, instruments, read thousands of books, learn to code, make a game, etc etc.