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bobbib14 t1_jd5ft93 wrote

username fits


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd5gemh wrote

Not in this instance. I mean seriously. You know what happens when you take the companies from the people that built it and give it to randos? The same thing that happened everytime it was tried before. The randos crash it to the ground since they don't have a clue how to run it.


bobbib14 t1_jd5h5m2 wrote

i think none of the billionaires in the United States actually run their companies anymore. leave the CEOs in charge. leave capitalism. leave them all a few billion, fine. but redistributing the excess - invest in infrastructure, climate, education. dont need to go full commie. i am sure “good” AI could find a balance better than me.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd74czc wrote

You think wrong. CEOs are the ones who make all the big decisions that can see the company flourish or bring it to ruins. Now about redistributing the excess. Already happens. The rich pay 80 percent of the government expenses. And of course they hire a ton of people as well both directly to work for them and indirectly by buying equipment for their business.

The real issue in America is the government's lack of efficiency. But I agree about AI.


thegreenwookie t1_jd5rkl3 wrote

No one is suggesting taking companies from those who run them. Just taking the Billions being hoarded and redistribute it.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd75g3a wrote

You mean the billions being hoarded in physical assets that the company needs to function?


Hotchillipeppa t1_jd97ogu wrote

No, the billions in excess profits you dingus


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd9u31m wrote

So you want to stop research and development and expansion? I mean what are you getting at. They don't just sit on the money in the bank. They reinvest it in their own business or buy stocks that help other companies.


Hotchillipeppa t1_jda9xkc wrote

If they were putting it back into the company it would be in their budget, not excess profit, a high rate of tax on excess profits encourages exactly what you are describing, the reality is since Reagan wealth inequality has increased, if they were doing what you think they are doing, that wouldn’t be the case.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jdbewn9 wrote

I'm fine with profit tax. But some of y'all are calling for a wealth tax or violent takeover. Which would just fuck shit up for everyone. As for the latter part. I disagree. By reinvesting in their business they will continue to grow faster and faster and the equipment and property they own all will continue counting to their wealth. While the typical person continues to not bother with increasing their income except for through work.


turnip_burrito t1_jd5tvp4 wrote

Except the AI isn't "randos".


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd7668z wrote

Oh. Yeah. Fair enough. But then a smart enough AI wouldn't need to be given anything. It'd take over the businesses itself. As it is now, however, AI simply isn't good enough. Get back to me in five years.


ManasZankhana t1_jd5twc5 wrote

That’s why you give it to the employees not to rando


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd75l7z wrote

There's a big difference between mopping a floor or even designing and programming a product and running a business.

Just look at Tesla. Brilliant inventor. Couldn't bring a product to market if his life depended on it.


eve_of_distraction t1_jd7gij1 wrote

It's Reddit, you might as well go to your local Communist Party meeting and bring this up. Don't waste your energy.


Spreadwarnotlove t1_jd7ngws wrote

The funny thing is that I think we could have something very similar in the future. Assuming a bunch of misguided fools doesn't hang the people making a brighter future possible.