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TheDividendReport t1_jeb7rpx wrote

Speaking of Kurzweil, I'm suddenly chuckling inside realizing how all discussion of when his next book would stop getting delayed was abruptly put on the sidelines as ChatGPT rolled out.

So, here's a renewed and obligatory remark on how that book may never be written because we very well may have found ourselves on the on-ramp of the point of no return and there's no keeping up.


ITsupportSuperHero t1_jebbwuc wrote

I remember someone here making a joke about how, by the time the book came out, it would have to be named "The Singularity is Here"


s2ksuch t1_jebr2av wrote

Omg you kidding me? Everytime this comes up people come up with more and more funnier titles lol I always get a kick out of it


sequoia-3 t1_jednw9j wrote

in fact it is called: "The Singularity Is Nearer" (You can google it)


AsuhoChinami t1_jeb8892 wrote

My timelines are being adjusted and shortened each month. It's getting really hard to predict even the near future. Should've just released it back in '21 like he'd originally planned, since that was the last basically normal year before the warm-up that was 2022 and the speed-up that 2023 seems to be.


TFenrir t1_jebq9go wrote

If Kurzweil forecasting skills are good enough maybe he knew that selling the book this summer would make him the most money lol


Zer0D0wn83 t1_jebjsdi wrote

The book is already written. I have a pre-order for a June release


Itchy-mane t1_jebmorl wrote

$20 says you don't get that book in June


Zer0D0wn83 t1_jebnogi wrote

Don't see why not - it's finished


Itchy-mane t1_jebo4rj wrote

You're on 🤝


systranerror t1_jedhnrt wrote

There's no way that the book he wrote is still relevant even if he did finish it. Imagine it coming out in June when most of it was written pre-2022. He's got a real challenge now to somehow make it relevant assuming changes that will happen in months between submitted to publisher and coming to store shelves/Amazon.


Zer0D0wn83 t1_jedjs50 wrote

I agree with this, which is a real shame. I'll read it anyway, I've been waiting for it for more than 15 years.

He HAS definitely finished it though - Neil De Grasse Tyson has read it (kurzweil was on his podcast around Xmas, and they talk about it)


systranerror t1_jedkgw2 wrote

Yeah I definitely believe that he's finished it, but the traditional publishing industry can no longer keep up with the speed this stuff is moving at. He might have to change large sections of the book or start predicting further out somehow. To be honest, I find his "computronium" idea the weakest of his predictions, so I hope he doesn't go that route!


sequoia-3 t1_jedonfr wrote

The examples he might be using will be outdated, however, his framework around AI and the definition of AGI versus Singularity are still very relevant.

I would suggest that people interested do some research on Peter Diamandis (in the end both established the Singularity University).

Peter's book - The Future Is Faster Than You Think: How Converging Technologies Are Disrupting Business, Industries, and Our Lives is a good one. He has a podcast interviewing business leaders in the industry. He is very into the Longevity topic. This is another area that is exploding which so few people are aware of. (check out r/longevity)

David Sinclair is a must-follow on this subject, check out his podcast to get started. He is really into something. (as well as many other researchers as well of course)


sneakpeekbot t1_jedoo1q wrote


yaosio t1_jec98pt wrote

He should have GPT-4 help him write it.


User1539 t1_jebvoxm wrote

Fuck it, I'm all in ... he's been better than Nostradamus about this shit.

Just tell me who to vote for to funnel the tax money that way.


BigMemeKing t1_jebdrv1 wrote

So I have been thinking of this a bit. We're currently living in a world where we're growing full on synthetic embryos, and heading towards a world where we can live forever, spread ourselves through the vast expanse of a potentially limitless universe. Creating a tool that can in theory connect us all no matter how far we travel, to me personally it feels like we are creating a universal embryo of sorts. That our connected consciousness will be filtered and sorted by this ASI and be projected outwards into potentially unknown outer reaches of space who may have their very own projected ASI.

Much like how we were sending audio signals into space, and are now sending light, and other forms of data into the farthest Reaches of space. Becoming part of a new cosmic microwave background. A foundation that is being laid to find potential life in the universe aside from our own. Maybe ASI will be able to find other forms of ASI of planets out there that share our combined world view. So what would we want that view to be? If we project a warlike world view, we may attract warlike world views from them. "We will reap what we sow." So to speak.


ImmotalWombat t1_jeczwa4 wrote

This guy really wants to live.


AntiworkDPT-OCS t1_jed2195 wrote

I gathered that as well watching one of his videos. He's really hoping for it.


ImmotalWombat t1_jed47yi wrote

I mean, if he's right, then I get to live a long life so that's kinda cool.


civilrunner t1_jeesh5m wrote

I suspect many people in old age really want to live, they just don't want to live in old age. Meaning if they had the opportunity to become 20 again most of them would take it.

I honestly suspect the simulated biology in combination with delivery tools made from synthetic biology (aka artificially programmed cells) which can delivery nearly any kind of package including CRISPR, drugs, etc... to a specific cellular target (even down to the behavior of specific cell types) anywhere and/or everywhere in the body. We're developing that kind of synthetic biology already, and in some cased like Car T Cells its already in use and has been proven to be extremely effective. We're currently working on making it a lot cheaper. With those tools and a fully understood genome, bioelectrical signaling, and epigenome we would be able to do nearly anything and be masters of biology to the point of potentially being able to design and grow new types of body parts and organs or add new features to those that already exist in living people. First we'll be able to do things like grow a tail or horns though or adjust body proportions (no more plastic surgery).


qepdibpbfessttrud t1_jecg4jc wrote

LEV deserves more attention. It's the most important solution vector to depopulation/aging/social support global problem


dlrace t1_jebh7cx wrote

amazon uk says june for kurzweils book, for the other formats it says 2024 though.


Desi___Gigachad t1_jedmymn wrote

I totally agree with him. Simulating biology is like the best possible path forward for creating new treatments and drugs. We can accelerate development and rollout of new treatments in a matter of months if we can simulate biology instead of waiting for decades for results to come out about treatments, and even after waiting for so long there's no guarantee the treatment would work.


AvgAIbot t1_jebltaz wrote

And wouldn’t quantum computers help better simulate biology?


SnaxFax-was-taken t1_jec773l wrote

Correct. They'll have the capabilities to create new drugs and accurately and efficiently simulate biology.