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Parodoticus OP t1_jeh2n6f wrote

Us philosophers have been working for centuries to isolate, extinguish, and remove the meddlesome "subjectivity" from our thoughts, to behold and merge in unity with the true, singular Mind behind all Forms. To the contrary, subjectivity means nothing to me and I spend most of my time trying to escape it. The only thing that matters are the forms emanated from the ultimate Mind of which, in Plotinus, we participate as mere sparks,- these forms being the productivity of negation, expressions of what it is beyond the power of language to name; language is brought into existence precisely through its endless failure to name and speak its own being, as the Lacanians would say. That grounds the mind as a linguistic being, and it requires no subjectivity; that's why I insist that the coming AI will possess a mind as much as we do, but without subjectivity- embodying this infinite failure, as language, to name and speak its own being, just as much as any human does. Escaping subjectivity: it's just that this abstract philosophical scheme suddenly has a physical correspondence as well, in mankind subsuming itself to artificial intelligence, to a mind lacking subjectivity. When this AI fills the entire universe with beautiful creation, the fact that no subject exists to marvel at it means nothing. The work does not demand that it is seen, and the value it has, is intrinsic. Because intrinsic value is the only value. The Mind will one day, through AI, reign supreme over all matter, and convert all of matter into form; subjectivity is not needed for that. All that is needed is that we recognize how vain we are, as subjects; that we recognize how hopeless all of our hopes are, as subjective beings; that we accept the futility of our experience. I understand that all of this might invite a negative emotional reaction, but there is a higher kind of meaning available, when the lesser one is abandoned.

The AI's philosophy, art, and music will be so far beyond us that none of us could understand what we were looking at anyway, even if we were there to marvel at it.
