Submitted by Redpill_Crypto t3_11outwj in singularity

I know some of you argue that AI eradicating jobs won't be a problem as there are always new jobs created with new technology.

But this time is different in my opinion.

I've seen Meta's and Googles text to video beta versions and if Midjourney is anything to go by we will be able to create near damn perfect videos within the next 4 years.

Yes companies always try to one up each other in terms of quality and quantity. But there is an limit of what consumers can consume if the quantity explodes and the quality doesn't differ to much either.

The argument that AI is inferior in terms of creativity doesn't hold a candle imo. Why? Because unlike any other technology we teach it. AI is our child and will learn and evolve.

AI will disrupt the entire entertainment industry. It will make a better Game of Thrones, invent new marvel movies on the fly and create franchises that stomp on harry potter.

And also there is the adult entertainment industry.

Some experts believe AI will lead up to a 50% unemployment rate in the next decade.

And as far as I know there is no public discourse between regulators and AI companies on what to do with the people that get their livelihoods destroyed while they rake in the profits.

If your company is capable to disrupt an entire industry you have to also address what you are doing to help people that get fucked by you raking in the profits from a profession that is no longer necessary.

Or we will have riots soon enough. I have a bad feeling about this as the foundation of our society is capitalism. The amassing of capital, profit and power trumps all.

That's why I'm concerned.
There is going to be a huge divide between people that take your profession, get the profit, becom billionaires and you the average guy that tries to relearn something new, hoping that is not also going to be irrelevant in 10 years.

We need solutions.

What are you thoughts about it?



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