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innovate_rye t1_iqod3a9 wrote

very poor take tbh. aging causes death and as humans we should do everything to prevent it. eventually if u live long enough u wont have to work and can roam around in the matrix


[deleted] OP t1_iqoeerh wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqoffbt wrote

the metaverse will hold many virtual jobs so u should be able to make a living. i prob should of said metaverse instead of the matrix bc idk if mind uploading is even possible


[deleted] OP t1_iqofy4a wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqogldf wrote

i mean uploading human consciousness. idrc if u can copy a brain but i wouldnt mind getting info downloaded into my brain.

1.) u will mostly be in an adventure, rp type game that will have a functional in game economy that pays u irl using cryptocurrencies (ethereum maybe?) 2.) i wouldnt mind working as a flying steampunk anime character making money saving the artificially intelligent npcs


[deleted] OP t1_iqohw90 wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqoj4as wrote

we only think about retirement bc we live in a world where retirement is a thing. some people dont even retire until their body cannot keep up. its a digital economy, u acquire items and sell them to people. just like real life but virtually. thats the goal of the metaverse. to create jobs. not just some cool tech thing


TinyBurbz t1_iqot7jf wrote

>Ok... but that would be a copy of you. Not the actual you.

I'd rather have an instance of 'me' walking around than no 'me'.