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Future_Believer t1_iqodt02 wrote

Like so many folks on these subs, you are postulating a single isolated change and contemplating its effect in the current technological and sociological idiom.

That is not how this will work.

As changes have come in the tech world, large changes have also come to human society and human economies. A lot of effort has been put into keeping things as they are except for the isolated tech advancement - basically an effort to make your question prophetic. Such efforts may slow the changes in other sectors for a while but ultimately they will fail.

Until you can begin to consider the entirety of the system the technology exists in and how its inherent dynamism might be affected by any given change, you will be unlikely to correctly prognosticate. We do not exist in a vacuum. Whether you see it or not, stuff is connected. If you think about it that way you can probably answer your own question.