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Mokebe890 t1_iqoebvf wrote

My time to shine.

First of all we're seeing a decline in human population so don't worry about overpopulation when 2080-2100 kicks in.

The resources argument is good, but the real problem is the way we distrubute them, not how we consume. Sure it needs the change in global economy politics, now we're in agressive capitalism but its doable.

Sure, some people work at really awful places, but robotics and automation will absolutly change the labour, first in developed countries then in second and third world ones.

The fixing od aging also gives you a very important thing about place to live. You can't spoil the planet you live on right? And if you live for 500 or 1000 years better start caring for it.

Personally the endless experiences that fixing aging gives us have most meaning for me. Even these bad ones or problems you need to deal with. As long as you're alive you can do it, when you're dead well, nothing is possible anymore.


[deleted] OP t1_iqof0qm wrote



Mokebe890 t1_iqofmv9 wrote

World right now is extremly depended on itself. Look what happened with grain when Ukrainie was attacked. With good planing you can utilize a lot more ground for farming. Also we can build vertical farms to grow certain crops. And remember that europeans prefer other greens that amercians or chinesee.

Logistic is a problem but with automated logistic supply chains can work 24/7.