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cptmcclain t1_iqoakvp wrote

This ignores the idea that when A.I is a real thing there is no scarcity of resources so long as the AI doesn't kill you


sgjo1 t1_iqob51x wrote

This is it. If longevity technology exists then it is likely that the technology for abundant resources exists at the same time.


[deleted] OP t1_iqodswo wrote



HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_iqopr3m wrote

Post-Scarcity doesn’t require infinite resources to be a thing, this is the oldest fallacy spouted by right leaning people on this subreddit. Most value of the shit you buy is labour/salary cost, the actual cost of the products is much less if you subtract the human labour element.


[deleted] OP t1_iqod8gs wrote



hold_me_beer_m8 t1_iqoi1qw wrote

You are imagining a single future invention in today's world instead of imagining it in the future world alongside all the other inventions that will also be there. That is what the person is referring to with no scarcity of resources. Imagine being able to 3-D print anything you want including food from abundant natural resources almost out of thin air.

As for as your other list of limited resources....we already have the technology here or almost here for solving this problems... the world can technically handle many many times the current population with some of these things in place.

Food - lab printed meat, protein from insects, vertical farming, etc.

Water - cheap desalination of ocean water

Shelter - 3-D printed houses, more high-rises, green communities, man made floating cities

Social - not sure what you mean here.

"And note streaming services, banking fees, etc automatically prove your scarcity claim false. Like look at how much of what you are paying for is artificial vs actual. As long as humans are in control, greed is king sadly."

Think about how decentralization is about to change the world as much as the internet has. Further, society and the economy will adapt if forced to.


YummyYumYumi t1_iqoakxg wrote

Why would people be forced to work forever?


[deleted] OP t1_iqocfwo wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqod3a9 wrote

very poor take tbh. aging causes death and as humans we should do everything to prevent it. eventually if u live long enough u wont have to work and can roam around in the matrix


[deleted] OP t1_iqoeerh wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqoffbt wrote

the metaverse will hold many virtual jobs so u should be able to make a living. i prob should of said metaverse instead of the matrix bc idk if mind uploading is even possible


[deleted] OP t1_iqofy4a wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqogldf wrote

i mean uploading human consciousness. idrc if u can copy a brain but i wouldnt mind getting info downloaded into my brain.

1.) u will mostly be in an adventure, rp type game that will have a functional in game economy that pays u irl using cryptocurrencies (ethereum maybe?) 2.) i wouldnt mind working as a flying steampunk anime character making money saving the artificially intelligent npcs


[deleted] OP t1_iqohw90 wrote



innovate_rye t1_iqoj4as wrote

we only think about retirement bc we live in a world where retirement is a thing. some people dont even retire until their body cannot keep up. its a digital economy, u acquire items and sell them to people. just like real life but virtually. thats the goal of the metaverse. to create jobs. not just some cool tech thing


TinyBurbz t1_iqot7jf wrote

>Ok... but that would be a copy of you. Not the actual you.

I'd rather have an instance of 'me' walking around than no 'me'.


Ratheka_Stormbjorne t1_iqoem22 wrote

You know you can like, save money and make investments, right? I know people who have retired before 40, on salaries they made working for someone else.


trist0n2 t1_iqoeyta wrote

You know those investments don’t last forever right? Sure you can retire and hope you don’t use all your money by the time you die. But if you’re immortal your money won’t last forever


Ratheka_Stormbjorne t1_iqofcgp wrote

The point of investing properly is that it generates income. You aren't just chipping away at your principal, you live on the interest / dividends. So, barring societal collapse, actually it can last indefinitely, or even grow if you've done your job well.


Effective-Dig8734 t1_iqobtsc wrote

This assumes human will have to have jobs FOREVER which at the current pace seems entirely unreasonable


katiecharm t1_iqofxl3 wrote

Get back to me when you’re 40 kid. Hell yes I want to solve aging.


Future_Believer t1_iqodt02 wrote

Like so many folks on these subs, you are postulating a single isolated change and contemplating its effect in the current technological and sociological idiom.

That is not how this will work.

As changes have come in the tech world, large changes have also come to human society and human economies. A lot of effort has been put into keeping things as they are except for the isolated tech advancement - basically an effort to make your question prophetic. Such efforts may slow the changes in other sectors for a while but ultimately they will fail.

Until you can begin to consider the entirety of the system the technology exists in and how its inherent dynamism might be affected by any given change, you will be unlikely to correctly prognosticate. We do not exist in a vacuum. Whether you see it or not, stuff is connected. If you think about it that way you can probably answer your own question.


sumane12 t1_iqokbk8 wrote

Serious answer, I'd rather be forced to work, than forced to die.


Cryptizard t1_iqoh2f9 wrote

I'm confused, do you think most people just work for 40 years and hate their lives so that they can retire eventually and stop working? That sounds like your personal issue. Most people still think their lives are worth living even if they have to work during the week.


Mokebe890 t1_iqoebvf wrote

My time to shine.

First of all we're seeing a decline in human population so don't worry about overpopulation when 2080-2100 kicks in.

The resources argument is good, but the real problem is the way we distrubute them, not how we consume. Sure it needs the change in global economy politics, now we're in agressive capitalism but its doable.

Sure, some people work at really awful places, but robotics and automation will absolutly change the labour, first in developed countries then in second and third world ones.

The fixing od aging also gives you a very important thing about place to live. You can't spoil the planet you live on right? And if you live for 500 or 1000 years better start caring for it.

Personally the endless experiences that fixing aging gives us have most meaning for me. Even these bad ones or problems you need to deal with. As long as you're alive you can do it, when you're dead well, nothing is possible anymore.


[deleted] OP t1_iqof0qm wrote



Mokebe890 t1_iqofmv9 wrote

World right now is extremly depended on itself. Look what happened with grain when Ukrainie was attacked. With good planing you can utilize a lot more ground for farming. Also we can build vertical farms to grow certain crops. And remember that europeans prefer other greens that amercians or chinesee.

Logistic is a problem but with automated logistic supply chains can work 24/7.


Professional-Song216 t1_iqojl2u wrote

This sub is not called “cure for aging” it’s called “singularity” for good reason too. Clearly a majority of the people here are hoping for a myriad of other problems to be solved, likely by a hyper intelligent AI. To be frank, if you don’t understand that, any reasonable answer you get will probably go over your head.


Deathburn5 t1_iqoeecv wrote

I'd rather work the modern schedule forever than die.


Wise-Yogurtcloset646 t1_iqocmmm wrote

I love my work, it's my passion, my hobby, my drive. Wouldt mind doing it forever.


21_MushroomCupcakes t1_iqoctdg wrote

Some collect a pension, I'm down for free government money forever.

And yes, retirement would probably transform as a result.


Blackmail30000 t1_iqogfvz wrote

you are right. And endless lifespan does not automaticly fufill our needs. lets pretend post scarcaty is never going to happen. how woulld you break the shackles of modern society?

whell for one, more time equates to more time to gain skills. the price of collage becomes irrelevent when one is immortal. if it takes you 70 years to pay it of, thats just a drop in the bucket.

and if everything on earth goes to shit for some reason, and space travel is viable,you will be able to see the new planet you have immigrated to.

but thats a very far out "what if?" the real answer is we dont kow if we will break these bindings, we just know the horrers that are down path of aging and are willing to gamble on a new path.


tms102 t1_iqoocwe wrote

> Like automatically you would force the person to work forever.

You should learn to save and invest in an index fund that follows the s&p500 or something.


RowKiwi t1_iqpixri wrote

I can live frugally on one day of work per week. Seems reasonable in return for millions of years of life.


TinyBurbz t1_iqojat3 wrote

Concerns with working forever-more are due to the fact that work ages you, and you cant work when your older; if you eliminate aging, you eliminate concerns against working forever-more.

Let's not even get started on the immense cost of geriatric care while we are at it.


Zariza_ t1_iqolrsw wrote

I mean I want to drastically change both.


Zamorak_Everknight t1_iqpe66i wrote

  1. Why not? Why are you making the decision to keep living right now?
  2. Why do you think people would have to keep working? That's the whole aim of automation: machines take on human jobs.
  3. You don't even need to make a "copy of your mind" to try to do that. Look up Longevity Escape Velocity.
  4. As a nation gets more developed, the birthrate keeps dropping. Which suggests that the more a society goes towards self-actualization, the birthrate approaches zero.

As to how people will get resources without having jobs, the answer is UBI.


[deleted] OP t1_iqpnx2k wrote



Zamorak_Everknight t1_iqpslz7 wrote

I hope you know that this phase is temporary and you will feel better <3

Try to focus on health as much as you can, that's how you break out of this.


Zermelane t1_iqpmics wrote

> But no one seemed to figure out, not dying brings on a ton of problems.

I never go out into the wilderness these days, it's too loud there with all the lone voices shouting about how fixing aging would cause problems.

I mean, I can sort of understand why all of these people believe they are the only one who came up with these arguments. These people all go to /r/longevity and don't see them, because they get downvoted into the sediment. Because it's the same arguments repeated over and over so many times that nobody wants to engage with them.


a75265 t1_iqpopbf wrote

Stop, not forever.

Let's get this straight. People should no longer die on their own due to old age.

That is not immortality.

The chance of having an accident or getting a disease is 100% if the time factor is high enough.

But a person should not die because period x is over.

That man should die, I think is an ideology. Sometimes also religious reasons.

For me it is ok if someone does not want to live.

The fear of problems will not stop me to do everything to stay alive. People expand borders.

Nuclear bombs and weapons of mass destruction we have built, but when it comes to life-extending technology, we have doubts? That can't be true.

What I view negatively in this context and in religions is when people want to tell others what to do. A kind of Sharia of death.

I would not force anyone to live and no one should force me to die.


Tenorguitar t1_iqoh8u7 wrote

I’m not so optimistic that the few at the top who pull the levers of Capitalism and benefit from it by orders of magnitude over the rest of us will gladly see it dismantled to make way for end of scarcity. I think they will fight mightily to maintain their advantage and I’d love to see a more serious discussion about the process of getting there. Most folk seem to want to talk about the end goal without any serious consideration to the social and political upheaval that seems unavoidable with a change as great as this. It’s not like flipping a switch and the process of making this change seems like a deep subject.