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visarga t1_iqxstx5 wrote

Just remember how you use your phone and explain that to a person from 200 years ago, I bet they'll think you are already deep into the singularity by their standards.

Having food, water, toilet, electricity and internet is nothing to brag about, even the poorest of us should have them. But just a couple of centuries ago these things would have been off the scale.

If you look back over decades or a couple of centuries life has been getting steadily better. It wasn't fake progress, but we're busier than ever.

Many people think after the singularity we'll have nothing to do anymore. On the contrary, I think we'll have more than before. We'll still compete and we'll often be unhappy like before.

Who said the purpose of AI should be to improve our lives? The purpose of life is to expand and exist despite the challenges it meets. That means competition and exploration, not peace and detachment. We didn't come out on top of nature by being nice, we exploited every advantage and knowledge along the way.