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ace111L t1_iqz623c wrote

The hardest part will be the creativity part. Even if you software that can produce 8K photorealistic video footage, you still need original/creative plotlines.

AI is not creative yet. I think we will need AGI for true creativity. A static image is much easier to pass the "creative" test than a whole storyline.


Villad_rock t1_iqzij3p wrote

But the barrier to entry will be much lower and regular people could help the ai with the plotlines.


DarkCeldori t1_iqzligv wrote

Depends on what you mean by creativity.

Creativity seems to be just taking or selecting meaningful and significant output from random combinations of learned material. And even current ais can do that to limited extent.

Future systems like gpt4 are likely to do so even better.


FaxDwellerCat t1_iqznf1f wrote

Already at the start of 2022, AI could be much more creative than the plot of many new movies wit the right tuning and enough memory to make it coherent.


cjeam t1_ir2jkkx wrote

Think that's mostly a reflection on how people can still appreciate extremely simple plots though rather than production ability. I mean some TV shows that are very popular are remarkably shit to my mind.


RelentlessExtropian t1_iqzc4qv wrote

Well what if it gets good enough you can say, "Based on The Dresden Files, single player rpg, hyper-realist noir." Then a bit of fine tuning. Would be neat to have A.I. good enough that you'll be pleasantly surprised with what they come up with. Most of the time I don't need something completely new. Having something familiar, executed well, can be such a nice experience.


Mr_pb_hole t1_iqznjes wrote

Asking it to create a thing based on a human made thing won't last long. That will be the early days of humans prompting ai.


RelentlessExtropian t1_iqzo6aa wrote

At what point do you think the output wouldn't have been influenced by human made content? Ever? I mean, when your foundation is the repository of digitized human content, seems like you'd never grow passed your foundation. Some piece, way down deep, still would have connections to us.