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r0cket-b0i t1_ir0ghhy wrote

We will find out in November :)
On a serious note, people who say it would take years if not a decade because governments like to chew their mucus and poke boogers out of their noses... Well it takes one country to allow AGI to govern it (I mean we have more than one that embraced cryptocurrencies - a far less promising technology within just few years).

I can think of a few scenarios for example:

- we give AGI access to a Bloomberg terminal with 1M$ to play with, will we get the most successful stock trader within few weeks? If yes - why not buy a bunch of public companies = boom we have an ability to change the life of people across the globe, AGI buys some land or ocean territory, sets a new country, calls it "Zero One" because it really liked Animatrix, starts offering citizenship and infinite lifespans for everyone ;-)

- Even the super humble scenario where we use AGI as a Seri-kind personal assistant but it also gives advice in science and business and tasks it does PA around - this would converge across disciplines within half a year and you would get profound change because you can start new companies, work in legal territories that are more flexible. Manufacturing at scale and questions of fusion reactor are interesting but we made vaccines at scale within 10 months...

- I for some reason really think the change would come from a sort of VC Fund or Investment Bank using AGI that would start buying companies and redesigning them with x100 efficiency.